Open-access Clone selection methods for grapevine in France

The polyclone origin of grapevine has been associated with the high occurrence of somatic mutations. Most part of these mutations are spontaneous and are responsible for most of the genetic variability inside a variety of this species. The large genetic variability found in grapevine has allowed grape breeders to obtain new varieties with better agronomic traits only by clone selection. However, due to the virus occurrence, the clone selection has been used also to eliminate plant pathogens, as a routine procedure. The selection process of plants without virus follows a severe set of rules where several steps are developed before the new clone is obtained. The program of clone selection in France, has been developed since the 60's decade and has been responsible for the creation of hundreds of varieties of rootstocks, table grapes and wine grapes. This work has as main objective, make a report about the organization of the several stages of clone selection in France.

Genetic variability; virus; certification; Vitis sp

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