The present work was carried out with the objective to evaluate the real potential of the amireia 150S compared with equivalent mixture with urea, corn ground and sulfur flower as ingredients in multiple mixtures for grazing beef cattle. It was used 40 calves without defined breed with average weight of 167 Kg in the raining season and 40 calves without defined breed with average weight of 285 Kg in the dry season. The animals were distributed in paddocks of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and were separated by electrified fence and each paddock possessed covered hod and individual drinking fountain. The treatments were based in the amireia 150S and equivalent mixture with ground corn, urea and sulfur flower with mineral nucleus and salt being these two levels used to regulate consumption. The formulated mixtures were amireia with 8.75% of salt (AM - 8.75), urea with 8.75% of salt (UR - 8.75), amireia with 17.5% of salt (UR - 17.50) and urea with 17.5% of salt (UR - 17.50). The experimental design used was randomized blocks with repetition inside; the 40 animals of each phase were divided in 5 blocks in function of the initial weight and then they were allocated randomly in the 4 paddocks where the animals received the treatments at random. It was evaluated the performance and consumption of the mixtures offered to the animals in the raining and dry seasons. It was not found significant difference for weight gain (GP) and average daily weight gain (GPMD) among the treatments in the raining season in which a better quality of the forage can be observed in the paddocks. In the dry season where the grass quality was inferior when compared to that of the raining season there was significant difference for GP and GPMD in which was observed best performance for the animals who received mixtures with amireia 150S in relation to the animals that received mixtures with urea.
Starch; amireia; beef cattle; Brachiaria brizantha; extrusion; multiple mixture; urea