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Transmissibility and effect of Acremonium strictum in maize seeds

Acremonium strictum is pathogenic to seeds, stalk and seedlings of maize. It is a fungus that can interfere in the vigor, stand and final productivity of plants. In addition, it can be disseminated and transmitted through seeds to the progeny, although the real proportions of that are not well known. This study reports the effects of A. strictum on maize seeds and seedlings quality (germination, vigor, healthness), some vegetative growth parameters and also sanity (infection and transmission rates) of young maize plants. The transmission rate of the fungus was evaluated using the water restriction technique. The fungus formulation was cultivated on malt extract agar medium amended with mannitol to a water potential of -1,4 MPa. The maize seeds germination was reduced by seeds exposition to A. strictum for periods longer than 72 hours. The potentials vigor and viability were not affected by A. strictum. Theincidence of this fungus reduced the vegetative growth of maize plants measured 28 days after sowing. The fungus originating from inoculated seeds was transmitted to young maize plants.

Fungus; seed pathology; infection; water restriction

Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras Editora da UFLA, Caixa Postal 3037 - 37200-900 - Lavras - MG - Brasil, Telefone: 35 3829-1115 - Lavras - MG - Brazil