A low pressure drip irrigation gravity feed system may be a viable technique to small farms. So, according with it, eight irrigation systems with 10.4 mm internal diameter driptubing 210 m long, seven 12 mm adapters, 20.6 mm polyethylene pipe 6 m long, polyethylene adapter, 20.6 mm 90º elbow, 20.6 mm PVC pipe 3 m long and 1 m³ water reservoir at 3 m height, were designed and assembled to irrigate 1.296 m² with tomato cultivated in 0.8 x 60 m beds. One 130 mm screen filter was used to four systems and one 200 mm disc filter for the other ones. Emission uniformity coefficients (UE) and distribution uniformity coefficients (UD) were obtained throughout 90 days. UE and UD were excellent and the degree of clogging at the emitters increased with time. Therefore, according to the results, the low pressure drip irrigation systems tested are technically viable to small areas.
Drip irrigation; low pressure; smallholders; water distribution