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CertiBase: a genetic database for cultivar certification and genetic breeding of pecan in Brazil


This study was aimed at developing a molecular genetic database that allows the certification of the pecan cultivars planted in Brazil, based on reference cultivars from the USA. We used a set of 10 nSSR and 10 cpSSR markers for cultivar identification and characterization. The database developed is an instrument for certification of cultivars, characterization of potential new cultivars, and selection of material for pecan breeding. The CertiBase database is composed of genotypes and haplotypes characterized for 40 reference pecan cultivars, while the CertiBase algorithm for plant identification is implemented in a user-friendly free software. Varietal certification of cultivars will bring more security to the entire production chain, in addition to enabling the characterization of the ancestry of potential new cultivars and establishment of breeding programs of pecan in Brazil.

Carya illinoinensis; germplasm characterization; molecular markers

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Fitotecnia, 36570-000 Viçosa - Minas Gerais/Brasil, Tel.: (55 31)3899-2611, Fax: (55 31)3899-2611 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil