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Indigenous school education: a particular way of recreating school in Guarani villages

The constitution of a specific and differentiated school education by Brazilian indigenous peoples has become more intensive in the last decades. Concerned about their cosmology and contrary to the introduction of Western instruments in their traditional way of life, the Guarani have historically been against school. Nowadays, some of their villages look for it as a way to provide themselves with tools to understand the "white man’s world" and gain access to the necessary knowledge to have a more symmetrical interaction with the non-indigenous society. The reflection proposed in this text approaches school enrollment processes and pinpoints ways of appropriation that occur in the Guarani village schools, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, through school practices that aim to constitute their own way of teaching in a dialogue with the principles that make up the traditional education and cosmology of this people.

Indigenous education; Indigenous schools; Guarani schools

CEDES - Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade Caixa Postal 6022 - Unicamp, 13084-971 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel. / Fax: (55 19) 3289 - 1598 / 7539 - Campinas - SP - Brazil