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Memorial: The making of a teacher

This account presents the core of my memorial presented during my pre-viva examination for the Ph. D. With its publication, I aim at reflecting, together with the reader, upon determinant moments of my becoming a teacher. My memories and reflections reconstruct this trajectory, from my first school years up to the pre-viva. I present facts that contributed to my profile as a teacher, in my own life history althougs they cannot reflect all its complexity. I follow this track of sucesses avoiding dealing with ill sucesses, errors and consequent sufferings in an attempt to overcome the contradictions present in moments of decision making.

CEDES - Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade Caixa Postal 6022 - Unicamp, 13084-971 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel. / Fax: (55 19) 3289 - 1598 / 7539 - Campinas - SP - Brazil