In this work grain size and porosity of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) sintered at 1500 ºC/ 2 h and the volume fraction of the phases YSZ, NiO and pores in a YSZ/ NiO composite sintered at 1500 ºC/ 2 h were quantified. Using the image analysis software ImageJ it was possible to treat images removing noise and showing the regions of interest in the analysis. After analyzing the images a statistical treatment of the data as suggested in the standards ASTM E 562-02 and ASTM E 1382-97 was carried out. The volume fractions obtained were 50 ± 7% NiO, 32 ± 2% YSZ and 17 ± 7% pores. The average YSZ grain size was 4.6 ± 0.2 µm and the porosity 1.5 ± 0.2%. The porosity results were compared with values obtained using a method based on the Arquimedes principle; the difference between the values was that this method quantifies only open porosity, while image analysis also quantifies closed pores.
quantitative microscopy; digital image processing; microstructural analysis