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Oral administration of nanostructured strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite for bone regeneration


The objective was to evaluate the effect of oral administration of strontium (Sr) on the regeneration of a critical bone defect. Twenty Wistar rats were divided into two groups, assessed at 15 and 60 days postoperatively: GSr - oral administration of Sr; and CG - without oral administration of Sr. At 15 and 60 days, blood was collected to measure Sr and calcium (Ca), and the calvaria was removed for histomorphological and histomorphometric analyses. Sr+2 plasmatic concentrations were higher in GSr than in CG. The dosage of Ca+2 showed a small increase in the CG about the GSr. In all evaluated groups, new bone formation was restricted to the edges of the defect, and the residual area was filled with fibrous connective tissue. The oral administration of Sr associated with HA microspheres substituted by the metal, in a concentration of 23 mol%, did not affect the formation of the osteoid matrix.

bone regeneration; hydroxyapatite; oral administration; rat; strontium

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