Open-access Adsorption study of phosphate from aqueous solution in inorganic matrix

This work reports the preparation, characterization and adsorption study of phosphate on hydrous tungsten oxides prepared by acid lixiviation of sodium tungstate. Part of this material (S1) was heated at 100 °C resulting in a material with differentiated characteristics (S1/delta). The materials prepared were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Through the Q0 constant, related with the capacity of maximum adsorption, it was observed that the S1 sample presented better adsorption capacity than the S1/delta. The deltaG values show that PO4-3 had been adsorbed through favorable reactions for all range of studied concentration.

hydrous tungsten oxides; adsorption; Langmüir isotherm

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