In recent decades, changes in science have been characterized by internationalization and the quest for impact. This article introduces the impact assessment process of 23 research projects of the Capes prInt Program aimed at internationalizing Brazilian science. This work developed an impact assessment model, applying it experimentally. The development was based on scientific texts on modes of production of scientific knowledge and impact assessment. The assessment revealed that, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the projects have advanced in their internationalization goals. As for the impacts, those related to science and education predominated, with a significant number of projects also indicating impacts on public policies and organizational practices. The article adds to understanding modes of knowledge production and research impact measurement. Furthermore, it can be useful to directors of research institutions, research managers, and researchers interested in measuring the research impact on organizations and society.
Keywords: Social impact of the research; Research relevance; Knowledge production mode; Research impact assessment; Internationalization of research