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Costs analysis of eucalyptus implantation on steep areas in the south of the Espírito Santo state, Brazil

This research carried out a cost analysis of the subsidized timber production of eucalyptus in the activities of implementation, maintenance, partially mechanized harvesting and transport of timber on steep topography in the south of the Espírito Santo, Brazil. The economic viability of the project was calculated through the net present value (VPL), internal rate of return (TIR) and average cost of production (CMP) for the following productivities: 140.00; 180.00; 220.00; and 250.00 m³ ha-1. According to these results, the producer had a total cost of 10381.24; 11306.59; 12115.79; and R $ 12722.69 per hectare for each scenario. The project was not feasible for the minimum productivity of 140.00 m³ ha-1 (VPL R$ 127.14 ha-1, TIR 8.16% and CMP R$ 58.29 m-3) and was feasible for yields of 180.00, 220.00, and 250.00 m³ ha-1, being more attractive at productivity of 250.00 m³ ha-1 that presented the highest VPL (R$ 2412.14 ha-1), the highest TIR (17.24%) and the lowest CMP (R$ 40.83 m-3).

Forestry plantation; forestry program; economic evaluation; project analysis

UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras Universidade Federal de Lavras - Departamento de Ciências Florestais - Cx. P. 3037, 37200-000 , Tel.: (+55 35) 3829-1411 - Lavras - MG - Brazil