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Evaluation of the physical work load and biomechanical of workers at manual and semi-mechanized mowing

The objective of this research was to evaluate of the physical work load and biomechanical of workers at manual and semi-mechanized mowing activities for the planting the forests. The physical work load was evaluated in a survery of the workers cardiac frequency in different stages of the work using a Polar Oy monitor. To the biomechanic evaluation the workers were filmed in the execution of the work, defined the typical postures adopted and the date analyzed in program 3DSSPP (3D Static Strength Prediction Program) developed for University of Michigan, USA. The results showed that the activity of manual mowing required greater physical effort, with cardiac frequency above the maximum limit recommended of 40% and the activity was classified as heavy. In this method of working the various joints of the workers showed injurie risks. The hip joint articulation was the most affected, with capable percentage varying between 88 and 92%.

Ergonomics; Health; Slviculture

UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras Universidade Federal de Lavras - Departamento de Ciências Florestais - Cx. P. 3037, 37200-000 Lavras - MG Brasil, Tel.: (55 35) 3829-1706, Fax: (55 35) 3829-1411 - Lavras - MG - Brazil