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Irradiance intensity in carbon flow and allocation in adult trees of three morphotypes of Paubrasilia echinata


Understanding how solar irradiance influences the physiological quality of adult trees of the Paubrasilia echinata morphotypes may help define the reforestation strategies for this species. From the trunk of this tree, the raw material is obtained for the confection of stringed musical instruments. In this study, the flow of carbon and allocation of non-structural carbon-NSC (soluble sugars and starch) and structural carbon (cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin) in adult individuals of three Paubrasilia echinata morphotypes cultivated in the shade and full sun were analyzed. The full sun stimulated the stem growth, the CO2 assimilation, and the NSC and lignin accumulation in the leaves and stem of the three morphotypes. However, the medium and large morphotypes showed higher values of these variables. Cellulose did not vary between treatments. Full sun promoted a more significant deposition of stem hemicelluloses in the medium and large morphotypes. Knowing that lignin and hemicelluloses provide higher wood quality, medium and large morphotypes cultivated in the full sun seem to have better commercial use characteristics. However, the large morphotype is the most suitable among these two due to the greater stem lignification.

Hemicelluloses; Lignin; Photosynthesis; Soluble sugars

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1.000, 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brasil, Tel. : (55 55)3220-8444 r.37, Fax: (55 55)3220-8444 r.22 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil