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Organomineral fertilizers and soil remineralizer in the initial growth of mycorrhized Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden

Fertilizantes organomineral e remineralizador do solo no crescimento inicial de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden micorrizado


The post-planting growth of eucalyptus requires proper fertilization to provide nutrients in adequate amounts for the seedlings. This study aimed to determine the contribution of organomineral fertilizers and soil remineralizers to the initial growth of mycorrhized Eucalyptus grandis. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen campus. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement (2x6), combined or not with inoculation of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and six fertilizers (mineral fertilizer, mineral fertilizer with remineralizer, organomineral fertilizer, with two levels of phosphorus content — high and low), with five repetitions. After ninety days of cultivation, the height, stem diameter, number of leaves, dry mass of aerial parts, root dry mass, total dry mass, root volume, height/stem diameter ratio, Dickson Quality Index, relative growth efficiency index, and mycorrhizal colonization were evaluated. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and the means compared using Tukey’s test. The results showed that the organomineral fertilizer increased the morphological parameters and quality of Eucalyptus grandis, with the seedlings achieving greater mycorrhizal colonization in treatments with the remineralizer or organic fertilizer in the composition with the mineral fertilizer.

Eucalyptus; Ectomycorrhization; Pisolithus microcarpus ; Swine wastewater


O crescimento pós-plantio do eucalipto requer correta adubação, a fim de disponibilizar nutrientes em quantidade adequada para as mudas. O trabalho objetivou determinar a contribuição de fertilizantes organomineral e de remineralizadores do solo no crescimento inicial de Eucalyptus grandis micorrizado. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus de Frederico Westphalen. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial (2x6), combinado ou não com inoculação do fungo ectomicorrízico Pisolithus microcarpus e seis fertilizantes (fertilizante mineral, fertilizante mineral com remineralizador, fertilizante organomineral, com dois níveis de fósforo – com alto e baixo teor de fósforo), com cinco repetições. Decorridos noventa dias de cultivo, foi avaliada a altura, diâmetro de colo, número de folhas, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca da raiz, massa seca total, volume radicular, relação altura/diâmetro de colo, Índice de Qualidade de Dickson, índice de eficiência relativa no crescimento e colonização micorrízica. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. O fertilizante organomineral possibilita incremento nos parâmetros morfológicos e qualidade do Eucalyptus grandis, as mudas obtiveram maior colonização micorrízica nos tratamentos com adição de remineralizador ou fertilizante orgânico na composição com o fertilizante mineral.

Eucalipto; Ectomicorrização; Pisolithus microcarpus ; Água residuária de suinocultura


Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden, a member of the Myrtaceae family, is the primary tree species used in reforestation in Brazil, accounting for 76.2% of the area of planted forests, approximately 7.5 million hectares (IBGE, 2018IBGE. Produção da extração vegetal e da silvicultura 2018. Available on: Accessed in: 20 Oct. 2019.
). It adapts well to low-fertility soils, thus being recommended for moist and well-drained soils, facilitating its use as a source of income in reforested areas (Schumacher et al., 2005SCHUMACHER, M. V.; CALIL, F. N.; VOGEL, H. L. M. Silvicultura aplicada. UFSM. Santa Maria, RS, 2005.). Nevertheless, for obtaining quality plants with good growth, the appropriate availability of nutrients during their production is notably significant, with phosphorus being a growth and quality limiter for the seedlings (Rocha et al., 2013ROCHA, J. H. T.; PIETRO, M. R.; BORELLI, K.; BACKES, C.; NEVES, M. B. Produção e desenvolvimento de mudas de eucalipto em função de doses de fósforo. Cerne, Lavras, MG, v. 19, n. 4, p. 535-543, out./dez. 2013.).

In this context, post-composting, the solid fraction of swine manure shows a higher proportion of phosphorus relative to nitrogen and potassium (Orrico Júnior; Orrico; Lucas Júnior, 2009ORRICO JÚNIOR, M. A. P.; ORRICO, A. C. A.; LUCAS JÚNIOR, J. de. Compostagem da fração sólida da água residuária de suinocultura. Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, SP, v. 29, n. 3, p. 483-491, jul./set. 2009.). Using this composted waste as organic fertilizer provides forest seedlings with increases in height, stem diameter, root, and total dry mass, improves height/diameter ratio (Oliveira et al., 2008OLIVEIRA, R. B. de; LIMA, J. S. de S.; SOUZA, C. A. M. de S.; SILVA, S. de A.; FILHO, S. M. Produção de mudas de essências florestais em diferentes substratos e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento em campo. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, MG, v. 32, n. 1, p. 122-128, jan./fev., 2008.; Lanna et al., 2017LANNA, N. B. L.; SILVA, P. N. L.; COLOMBARI, L. F.; FREITAS-NAKADA, P. G.; CARDOSO, A. I. I. Doses of organic compost on yield and accumulation of macronutrients on endive. Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, v. 35, n.4, p. 621-627, 2017.), and also enhances nutrient absorption compared to mineral fertilizer (Lanna et al., 2017LANNA, N. B. L.; SILVA, P. N. L.; COLOMBARI, L. F.; FREITAS-NAKADA, P. G.; CARDOSO, A. I. I. Doses of organic compost on yield and accumulation of macronutrients on endive. Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, v. 35, n.4, p. 621-627, 2017.).

Soil remineralizers emerge as an alternative nutritional source for crops, acting as soil restorers for degraded soils and providing increments in agricultural and forestry productivity (MAPA, 2016MAPA – Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Instrução Normativa MAPA no 5, 10/03/2016. Publicada no DOU de 14/03/2016.; Theodoro et al., 2013THEODORO, S. H.; LEONARDOS, O. H.; ROCHA, E.; MACEDO, I.; REGO, K. G. Stonemeal of amazon soils with sediments from reservoirs: a case study of remineralization of the tucuruí degraded land for agroforest reclamation. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, vol. 85. 2013.; Silva et al., 2012SILVA, A. da; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; SCHMITT, C.; COELHO, C. M. M. Avaliação dos efeitos da aplicação de basalto moído na fertilidade do solo e nutrição de Eucalyptus benthamii. Floresta, v. 42, n. 1, p. 69-76, 2012.). These are mineral-origin products, resulting from the reduction and classification by mechanical processes of rock, capable of adding and making macro and micronutrients available to plant systems, improving the soil’s physicochemical properties and biological activity (Brasil, 2013BRASIL. Lei 12.890, de 10 de dezembro de 2013. Altera a Lei no 6.894, de 16 de dezembro de 1980, para incluir os remineralizadores como uma categoria de insumo destinado à agricultura, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União. Brasília, DF, 11 dez 2013. Available on: Accessed in: 15 Sep. 2019.
). Evidence has shown the economic, agronomic, and forestry importance of this input, as it enables one to achieve productivity comparable to chemical fertilizers (Tavares et al., 2018TAVARES, L. de F.; CARVALHO, A. M. X. de; CAMARGO, L. G. B.; PEREIRA, S. G. de F.; CARDOSO, I. M. Nutrients release from powder phonolite mediated by bioweathering actions. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, vol. 7, p. 89-98, 2018.; Pereira et al., 2012PEREIRA, D. C.; GRUTZMACHER, P.; BERNARDI, F. H.; MALLMANN, L. S.; COSTA, L. A. de M.; COSTA, M. S. S. de M. Produção de mudas de almeirão e cultivo no campo, em sistema agroecológico. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, PB, v. 16, n. 10, p. 1100-1106, 2012.; Souza et al., 2019SOUZA, M. E. P. de; CARDOSO, I. M.; CARVALHO, A. M. X. de; LOPES, A. P.; JUCKSCH, I. Gneiss and steatite vermicomposted with organic residues: release of nutrients and heavy metals. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, vol. 8, p. 233-240, 2019.; Silva et al., 2012SILVA, A. da; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; SCHMITT, C.; COELHO, C. M. M. Avaliação dos efeitos da aplicação de basalto moído na fertilidade do solo e nutrição de Eucalyptus benthamii. Floresta, v. 42, n. 1, p. 69-76, 2012.). Its use also allows higher concentrations of potassium and silicon in E. benthamii Maiden et Cambage leaves than conventional fertilization and increases soil pH (Silva et al., 2012SILVA, A. da; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; SCHMITT, C.; COELHO, C. M. M. Avaliação dos efeitos da aplicação de basalto moído na fertilidade do solo e nutrição de Eucalyptus benthamii. Floresta, v. 42, n. 1, p. 69-76, 2012.). Thus, combining organomineral fertilizers with soil remineralizers offers a nutritionally advantageous alternative in eucalyptus cultivation.

In addition to fertilizers, ectomycorrhizas can benefit eucalyptus cultivation by stimulating its initial growth. This association enables the roots to absorb more nutrients and water due to the formation of structures such as the Hartig net, expanding the root absorption area (Brundrett et al., 2008BRUNDRETT, M. C. Mycorrhizal Associations: the web resource. 2008. Available on: Accessed in: 12 Jul. 2021.). In this regard, researchers have shown that E. grandis establishes ectomycorrhizas, consequently increasing its nutrient absorption capacity, root area, and aerial part, which provide better adaptation to adverse conditions and post-planting establishment success (Gómez; Rodriguez, 2012GÓMEZ, M. R.; RODRÍGUEZ, A. Mecanismos de defesa e respostas das plantas na interação micorrízica: uma revisão. Jornal Colombiano de Biotecnologia, Bogotá, Colombia, v. 14, n. 1 p. 271-284, 2012.; Weirich et al., 2018WEIRICH, S. W.; SILVA, R. F.; PERRANDO, E. R.; DA ROS, C, O.; DELLAI, A.; SCHEID, D. L.; TROMBETA, H. W. Influência de ectomicorrizas no crescimento de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis, Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus saligna e Eucalyptus dunnii. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 28, n. 2, p. 765-765, abr.- jun., 2018.), as well as superior growth conditions and seedling quality (Andreazza et al., 2004ANDREAZZA, R.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; SILVA, R. F.; LONGHI, S. J. Espécies de Pisolitus sp. na produção de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden em solo arenoso. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 14, n. 2, p. 51-59, 2004.). Additionally, inoculation with Pisolithus microcarpus enhances survival conditions, height, diameter, and nutrient content in the aerial part (Mello et al., 2009MELLO, A. H.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; KAMINSKI, J.; SOUZA, E. L. de; SCHIRMER, G. K.; MACHADO, R. G.; LUPATINI, M.; JÚNIOR, C. M. Estabelecimento a campo de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis micorrizadas com Pisolithus microcarpus (UFSC Pt 116) em solo arenoso. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 19, n. 2, p. 149-155, abr.-jun., 2009.).

The use of alternative fertilizers for plants, through organic waste and remineralizers, may be an alternative to mixing with mineral fertilizers. However, the performance of these fertilizers in fast-growing forest species with nutritional demands (e.g., eucalyptus) still requires further research. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the use of organic fertilizer and soil remineralizer associated with mineral fertilizer in the initial growth of mycorrhized E. grandis.


The experiment was carried out between January and April 2019 in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Santa Maria (Frederico Westphalen campus), Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil (27º23’26” S, 53º25’43” W; 461.30 m altitude). A red latosol was used (Santos, 2018SANTOS, H. G. dos; JACOMINE, P. K. T.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; OLIVEIRA, V. A. de; LUMBRERAS, J. F.; COELHO, M. R.; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; FILHO, J. C. de A.; OLIVEIRA, J. B. de; CUNHA, T. J. F. Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos. – 5. ed., rev. e ampl. − Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2018.); it was collected from an agricultural production area in the 0–20 cm layer, with a clay texture of 70%. To achieve a 35% clay content, medium sand was mixed in a 50% (v/v) ratio to facilitate root cleaning. Subsequently, dolomitic limestone (PRNT 100%) was added to raise the base saturation to 40%, as recommended for eucalyptus cultivation (CQFS, 2016). The experimental units were maintained in a greenhouse under an automatic misting system with a 7 mm water layer for 30 days to stabilize the soil’s physicochemical properties. The soil texture determination and chemical analyses were conducted according to EMBRAPA (2017)EMBRAPA. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. – 3. ed. rev. e ampl. - Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2017. and described in Table 1.

Table 1
Physicochemical analysis of the original soil and its mixture with medium sand

The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement (AxD), with the “A” factor levels being qualitative for inoculation (with and without ectomycorrhiza) and the “D” factor levels also qualitative, composed of six forms of fertilization: mineral fertilizer (MF), mineral fertilizer with remineralizer (MF+REM), organomineral fertilizer (OMF) — the organic fertilizer with mineral adjustment, with two levels of phosphorus in the formulations (high and low phosphorus content), with five repetitions.

The mineral fertilizer comprised urea, triple superphosphate, and potassium chloride. The OMF was made by mixing mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizer granules. The organic fertilizer, in turn, came from the Swine Wastewater Treatment System (Sistars) installed in the swine sector of the university (system submitted for patent registration). The solid fraction separated by decantation and after dewatering and the solid fraction separated by screening were composted together for 45 days. After this period, the composted fraction was sieved and submitted to granulation (granulation process submitted for patent registration).

The mineral fertilizer + soil remineralizer was obtained by mixing granules of mineral fertilizers with remineralizer powder. The soil remineralizer was acquired from Alessi Mineração (Frederico Westphalen, RS), obtained by screening process (0.6 mm mesh), resulting from the crushing of basaltic rocks. The formulations and components used to manufacture the fertilizers are listed in Table 2.

Treatments with MF received a dose of 722.22 kg/ha, and treatments using MF + REM and OMF received a dose of 1444.46 kg/ha, according to the recommendations of the Soil Chemistry and Fertility Commission for a population of 10,000 eucalyptus plants per hectare (CQFS, 2016CQFS. COMISSÃO DE QUÍMICA E FERTILIDADE DO SOLO - RS/SC. Manual de calagem e adubação para os Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina. 376 p., 2016.).

Table 2
List of fertilizers used in the treatments with fertilization

E. grandis seeds were provided by the Santa Maria Forest Research Center (FEPAGRO, RS). Before sowing, they were disinfected with a 5% (v/v) commercial sodium hypochlorite solution for 20 minutes and rinsed under running water for 5 minutes, then sown in polystyrene trays with 15.5 mL cells in Carolina Soil® commercial substrate, previously sterilized in an autoclave at 121ºC in 3 cycles of 30 minutes. After sowing, the trays were kept under manual irrigation with distilled water to maintain 70% field capacity moisture. When the seedlings had a pair of true leaves, thinning was performed, leaving one plant per cell of the tray.

When the seedlings reached four pairs of true leaves (about 10 cm), they were transplanted into 5-L polyethylene pots, with 5 kg of soil previously sterilized in an autoclave at 121ºC in three cycles of 30 minutes. Each pot with a plant comprised an experimental unit. Fertilizers were incorporated into the potting soil the day before transplanting the seedlings, and the amount of fertilizer used was according to the recommendations of the CQFS manual (2016)CQFS. COMISSÃO DE QUÍMICA E FERTILIDADE DO SOLO - RS/SC. Manual de calagem e adubação para os Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina. 376 p., 2016. for a population of 10,000 eucalyptus plants per hectare.

Inoculation was carried out at the time of seedling transplant with the ectomycorrhizal fungus P. microcarpus, obtained from the fungal bank of the Department of Soils of the Federal University of Santa Maria. The inoculant preparation was performed by blending fungal colonies in a blender with 500 mL of distilled water for 10 seconds. The colonies were grown on 7 Petri dishes in Modified Melin-Nokrans Medium (MNM) for 30 days in an Incubation Chamber at 25ºC. For inoculation, 10 mL of this solution was applied with a graduated syringe adjacent to the root system of the seedlings. Treatments without inoculation also received 10 mL of a solution containing only the MNM culture medium.

Irrigation was carried out daily using the greenhouse’s automatic misting system, with a 7 mm water layer. Preventive phytosanitary management was carried out every 21 days with the application of pyrethroid insecticides, ensuring no occurrence of insects and diseases during the experiment. The experimental units were rotated weekly to meet the experimental design requirements.

At the end of the experiment (90 days after transplanting), the height of the aerial part was evaluated, determined with a millimeter ruler from the plant’s collar to the insertion of the last leaf, and the stem diameter, measured with a digital caliper at the plant’s collar region. The root volume was determined by the water displacement method in a graduated cylinder, adapted from the methodology used in soils by Embrapa (2017)EMBRAPA. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. – 3. ed. rev. e ampl. - Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2017.. The dry mass of the aerial part (DMAP) and roots (DRM) were determined by separating these parts at the plant’s collar and drying them in an oven at 65±1ºC until constant mass. The total dry mass (TDM) was obtained from the sum of DRM and DMAP. The H/D and H/DMAP ratios were determined from the division between the height and the stem diameter of the seedling and between the height and the dry mass of the aerial part, respectively.

The Dickson Quality Index (DQI) was determined based on the height of the aerial part (H), stem diameter (SD), dry mass of the aerial part DMAP, and DRM, using Equation (1):

D Q I = T D M ( g ) ( H ( c m ) S D ( c m ) ) + D M A P ( g ) D R M ( g ) (1)

The percentage of mycorrhizal colonization was determined using the technique of root clarification and staining with 0.05% Trypan blue for visualization under an optical microscope and magnifying glass of the fungal mantle, formed by the ectomycorrhiza, with five repetitions per plant, estimated by the gridline intersect method (Brundrett et al., 2008BRUNDRETT, M. C. Mycorrhizal Associations: the web resource. 2008. Available on: Accessed in: 12 Jul. 2021.), according to the formula: mycorrhizal colonization (%) = (total number of colonized roots/total number of roots) * 100.

The calculation of the relative efficiency index (REI) was used to compare the efficiency of fertilizers regarding biomass production (total dry mass) and calculated using Equation (2) and the mineral fertilizer with low P content (NPK formula 6-4-18) as control:

R E I = TDMFertilizer   ( X )  TDMFertilizer  ( 6 4 18 )  TDMFertilizer  ( 6 4 18 ) × 100 (2)

The results were submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine the normality of the collected data. Subsequently, an analysis of variance was performed, and when there was significant interaction, the inoculum variation factor was unfolded within the fertilizer factor, and when it was not significant, the simple effects of each variation factor were unfolded. The means were compared using the Tukey test at 5% significance and the SISVAR Software (Ferreira, 2014FERREIRA, D. F. Sisvar: A guide for its Bootstrap procedures in multiple comparisons. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, MG, vol. 38, n. 2, p. 109-112, 2014. Available on:


The results showed a significant interaction between inoculum and type of fertilizer in the DRM and the H/DMAP ratio of eucalyptus seedlings, while for other variables, there was no significant interaction between factors, only a significant simple effect for fertilizer. The H/D ratio did not show significant interaction or simple effects.

The DRM was significantly higher in the treatment with the addition of OMF without mycorrhiza, regardless of phosphorus content, and with mycorrhizal inoculation in the organomineral treatment with high phosphorus (Table 3). This occurs due to the decrease in carbon allocation for root tissue production caused by mycorrhizal colonization, reducing plant root biomass (Vandresen et al., 2007VANDRESEN, J; NISHIDATE, F. R.; TOREZAN, J. M. D.; ZANGARO, W. Inoculação de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares e adubação na formação e pós-transplante de mudas de cinco espécies arbóreas nativas do sul do Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, Brasília, 2007.). However, even though inoculation reduces the root system, there is an increase in the root absorption area due to the presence of fungal hyphae in the roots (Brundrett, 2008BRUNDRETT, M. C. Mycorrhizal Associations: the web resource. 2008. Available on: Accessed in: 12 Jul. 2021.), which consequently increases the growth capacity of plants in degraded soils with low nutrient availability (Bertolazi et al., 2010BERTOLAZI, A. A.; CANTON, G. C.; AZEVEDO, I. G.; CRUZ, Z. M. A.; SOARES, D. N. E. S.; CONCEIÇÃO, J. M.; SANTOS, W. O.; RAMOS, A. C. O papel das ectomicorrizas na biorremediação de metais pesados no solo. Natureza Online, Santa Teresa, v. 8, p. 24-31, 2010.). Knowledge of root system data is of fundamental importance due to its correlation with the survival and initial growth of seedlings, as roots primarily function to absorb water and nutrients from the soil after planting (Andreazza et al., 2004ANDREAZZA, R.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; SILVA, R. F.; LONGHI, S. J. Espécies de Pisolitus sp. na produção de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden em solo arenoso. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 14, n. 2, p. 51-59, 2004.; Oliveira et al., 2008OLIVEIRA, R. B. de; LIMA, J. S. de S.; SOUZA, C. A. M. de S.; SILVA, S. de A.; FILHO, S. M. Produção de mudas de essências florestais em diferentes substratos e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento em campo. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, MG, v. 32, n. 1, p. 122-128, jan./fev., 2008.; Weirich et al., 2018WEIRICH, S. W.; SILVA, R. F.; PERRANDO, E. R.; DA ROS, C, O.; DELLAI, A.; SCHEID, D. L.; TROMBETA, H. W. Influência de ectomicorrizas no crescimento de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis, Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus saligna e Eucalyptus dunnii. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 28, n. 2, p. 765-765, abr.- jun., 2018.). The results indicate that organomineral fertilizer stimulates the production of root mass.

Table 3
Dry root mass (DRM) and the ratio of height to dry mass of the aerial part (H/DMAP) of Eucalyptus grandis subjected to ectomycorrhizal inoculation (without and with) grown in soil with different fertilizers with low and high phosphorus content

The H/DMAP ratio showed significant interaction, varying according to inoculation and the fertilizer used, being lower with OMF regardless of inoculation (Table 3). In treatments without inoculation, the mineral fertilizer + remineralizer with high P content had the highest value, not differing from the exclusive use of mineral fertilizer with high and low phosphorus. When inoculated, the mineral fertilizer with low phosphorus content was higher, not differing from the remineralizers, while the lowest averages for the H/DMAP ratio were observed. The lower the value of this ratio, the better the quality of the plant, as higher than recommended values indicate less lignification of the seedlings and, thus, lower post-planting survival capacity (Da Ros et al., 2018DA ROS, C. O.; TORCHELSEN, M. de M.; SOMAVILLA, L. SILVA, R. F. da; RODRIGUES, A. C. Composto de Águas Residuárias de Suinocultura na produção de mudas de espécies florestais. Revista Floresta, Curitiba, PR, v. 48, n. 1, p.103-112. 2018.). Thus, the results infer that OMF induces a better H/DMAP ratio.

There was no interaction, only a significant simple effect of fertilizer on height, stem diameter, number of leaves, dry mass of the aerial part, total dry mass, and root volume of eucalyptus (Figure 1). The OMF allowed for greater height and diameter, regardless of phosphorus content (Figure 1A, 1B). The literature reports that the use of swine wastewater, a product with a lower concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen compared to its solid part (Orrico Júnior; Orrico; Lucas Júnior, 2009ORRICO JÚNIOR, M. A. P.; ORRICO, A. C. A.; LUCAS JÚNIOR, J. de. Compostagem da fração sólida da água residuária de suinocultura. Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, SP, v. 29, n. 3, p. 483-491, jul./set. 2009.), results in greater height and diameter of E. grandis compared to the control, irrigated with water (Pelissari et al., 2009PELISSARI, R. A. Z.; SAMPAIO, S. C.; GOMES, S. D.; CREPALLI, M. da S. Lodo Têxtil e água residuária da suinocultura na produção de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis (W, Hill ex Maiden). Revista Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.29, n.2, p.288-300, 2009.). In native species, such as the soursop tree (Annona muricata L. ‘Morada’), the use of vermicompost and animal waste as organic fertilizer allows for significant increases in height, diameter, and dry mass of the aerial part (Eckhardt et al., 2021ECKHARDT, D. P.; SANTANA, N. A.; SOUZA, E. L. de; FERREIRA, P. A. A.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; MARTIN, J. D.; JACQUES, R. J. S. Comparison between cattle manure, organic compost, and vermicompost in the production of Eucalyptus urograndis seedlings. Soil Science. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, RS, v. 51 (9). 2021.). Figueiredo et al. (2019)FIGUEIREDO, F. A. M. M. de A.; CARNEIRO, J. G. A.; PENCHEL, R. M.; THIEBAUT, J. T. L.; ABAD, J. I. M.; BARROSO, D. G.; FERRAZ, T. M. Correlations between Eucalyptus Clonal Cutting Quality and Performance after Planting. Floresta e Ambiente, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2019. comment that plants with greater heights represent favorable field conditions due to the greater potential for root development, providing rapid establishment and resulting in greater growth in height.

Figure 1
Simple effect of mineral fertilizer associated with remineralizer and organic fertilizer with high and low P content of eucalyptus seedlings

Regarding the number of leaves (Figure 1C) and dry mass of the aerial part (Figure 1D), it was evident that treatments under fertilization with organominerals were significantly greater than the others. The influence of OMF found in this work corroborates the results of Eckhardt (2021)ECKHARDT, D. P.; SANTANA, N. A.; SOUZA, E. L. de; FERREIRA, P. A. A.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; MARTIN, J. D.; JACQUES, R. J. S. Comparison between cattle manure, organic compost, and vermicompost in the production of Eucalyptus urograndis seedlings. Soil Science. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, RS, v. 51 (9). 2021., where the use of animal waste as fertilizers significantly increased the dry mass of the aerial part of eucalyptus compared to the use of the commercial substrate. The literature reports that the use of organic compounds provides plants with a leaf increment superior to those under commercial substrate (Plantmax®) (Pereira et al., 2012PEREIRA, D. C.; GRUTZMACHER, P.; BERNARDI, F. H.; MALLMANN, L. S.; COSTA, L. A. de M.; COSTA, M. S. S. de M. Produção de mudas de almeirão e cultivo no campo, em sistema agroecológico. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, PB, v. 16, n. 10, p. 1100-1106, 2012.). The importance of this analysis lies in the direct relationship that the number of leaves has with the leaf area of the seedlings, which correlates positively with the growth of eucalyptus in the field as it provides greater photosynthetic capacity (Figueiredo et al., 2019FIGUEIREDO, F. A. M. M. de A.; CARNEIRO, J. G. A.; PENCHEL, R. M.; THIEBAUT, J. T. L.; ABAD, J. I. M.; BARROSO, D. G.; FERRAZ, T. M. Correlations between Eucalyptus Clonal Cutting Quality and Performance after Planting. Floresta e Ambiente, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2019.).

Total dry mass was also significantly higher with the OMF compared to the others, which, in turn, did not differ from each other (Figure 1E). The influence of the use of organic materials on plant dry biomass was also verified in other studies. Chicory plants subjected to fertilization with Provaso® organic compost showed a superior increase in total dry mass compared to mineral fertilization (Lanna et al., 2017LANNA, N. B. L.; SILVA, P. N. L.; COLOMBARI, L. F.; FREITAS-NAKADA, P. G.; CARDOSO, A. I. I. Doses of organic compost on yield and accumulation of macronutrients on endive. Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, v. 35, n.4, p. 621-627, 2017.). E. grandis had its aerial and root dry mass positively influenced by using animal waste as fertilizer, compared to commercial substrate (Eckhardt et al., 2021ECKHARDT, D. P.; SANTANA, N. A.; SOUZA, E. L. de; FERREIRA, P. A. A.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; MARTIN, J. D.; JACQUES, R. J. S. Comparison between cattle manure, organic compost, and vermicompost in the production of Eucalyptus urograndis seedlings. Soil Science. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, RS, v. 51 (9). 2021.).

Organomineral fertilizers with high and low phosphorus content also increased the root volume of eucalyptus plants (Figure 1F). Silva et al. (2020)SILVA, L. F. P. da; ROSSET, J. S.; OZÓRIO, J. M. B.; CASTILHO, S. C. de P.; MARRA, L. M. Desenvolvimento da cultura do milho e carbono orgânico total sob diferentes fontes de adubos. Revista em Agronegócios e Meio Ambiente, Maringá, PR, v. 13, n.4, p. 1509-1532. 2020. observed that organic fertilization, through bovine manure and organomineral, provided increments in the root volume of corn, being respectively, superior and equivalent to mineral fertilization. This result is crucial for a better understanding of the survival and initial growth of seedlings, as roots primarily function to absorb water and nutrients from the soil after planting (Andreazza et al., 2004ANDREAZZA, R.; ANTONIOLLI, Z. I.; SILVA, R. F.; LONGHI, S. J. Espécies de Pisolitus sp. na produção de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden em solo arenoso. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 14, n. 2, p. 51-59, 2004.; Oliveira et al., 2008OLIVEIRA, R. B. de; LIMA, J. S. de S.; SOUZA, C. A. M. de S.; SILVA, S. de A.; FILHO, S. M. Produção de mudas de essências florestais em diferentes substratos e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento em campo. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, MG, v. 32, n. 1, p. 122-128, jan./fev., 2008.; Weirich et al., 2018WEIRICH, S. W.; SILVA, R. F.; PERRANDO, E. R.; DA ROS, C, O.; DELLAI, A.; SCHEID, D. L.; TROMBETA, H. W. Influência de ectomicorrizas no crescimento de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis, Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus saligna e Eucalyptus dunnii. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 28, n. 2, p. 765-765, abr.- jun., 2018.). The results of this study align with those obtained by Oliveira et al. (2008)OLIVEIRA, R. B. de; LIMA, J. S. de S.; SOUZA, C. A. M. de S.; SILVA, S. de A.; FILHO, S. M. Produção de mudas de essências florestais em diferentes substratos e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento em campo. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, MG, v. 32, n. 1, p. 122-128, jan./fev., 2008., who demonstrated that the use of organic compost provides greater growth of the forest species Cedrela fissilis Vell., E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden, Acacia holocericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don, and Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi.

The DQI was significantly higher with the use of OMF (Figure 2A). Silva et al. (2017a)SILVA, M. I.; MACKOWIAK, C.; MINOGUE, P.; REIS, A. F.; MOLINE, E. F. V. Potential impacts of using sewage sludge biochar on the growth of plant forest seedlings. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, RS, vol. 47. 2017a. also observed, 60 days after transplant, that the initial development of E. grandis was significantly greater with the use of organic compounds based on biochar from sewage sludge and sewage sludge, with higher values of height, stem diameter, dry mass of the aerial part and roots, and DQI. According to the same authors, integrating characteristics, such as height, aerial part and root biomass, and diameter, through the evaluation of DQI, makes the interpretation of quality parameters more appropriate, as this index considers important issues of robustness and the distribution of biomass balance.

Figure 2
Percentage of mycorrhizal colonization of Eucalyptus grandis cultivated with mineral fertilizer, soil remineralizer, and OMF with high and low phosphorus content

The percentage of mycorrhizal colonization was significantly higher with the addition of remineralizer and organic fertilizer to the mineral fertilizer, regardless of the phosphorus content (Figure 2B). Organic fertilizer provides a gradual release of nutrients, such as the natural phosphates of the remineralizer, which stimulates the plant’s association with the fungus, increasing the root system and the production of enzymes and organic acids that will provide nutrients (Landeweert et al., 2001LANDEWEERT, R.; HOFFLAND, E.; FINLAY, R. D.; KUYPER, T. W.; VAN BREEMEN, N. Linking plants to rocks: ectomycorrhizal fungi mobilize nutrients from minerals. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, v. 16, n. 5, p. 248-254, 2001.).

Regarding the low mycorrhizal colonization found in treatments with the exclusive use of mineral fertilizer, Grazziotti et al. (2003)GRAZZIOTTI, P. H.; SIQUEIRA, J. O.; MOREIRA, F. M. S. Espécies arbóreas e ectomicorrízas em relação ao excesso de metais pesados. Tópicos em ciência do solo, Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, v. 3, p. 55-105, 2003. comment that the high content of nutrients readily available to plants can result in low mycorrhizal association due to the insignificant or non-existent stimulation of symbiotic relationships between fungus and plant. When analyzing the responses of mycorrhizal association in relation to phosphorus levels in the soil, the literature reports that an increase in phosphorus doses applied to the soil reduces fungal colonization, highlighting a negative correlation between phosphorus and mycorrhizal colonization (Silva et al., 2016SILVA, E. P. da; GOMES, V. F. F.; FILHO, P. F. M.; JÚNIOR, J. M. T. da S.; NESS, R. L. L. Desenvolvimento e colonização micorrízica em mudas de embaúba adubadas com fosfato natural e material orgânico. Revista Ciência Agronômica. Fortaleza, v.47, n. 2, p. 256-263, 2016.), which was not evidenced in this study.

The Relative Efficiency Index on the total dry mass of eucalyptus revealed that the OMF with high P content (3-9-9), followed by the organomineral with low P content, were superior to the others, being respectively 461 and 347% higher than the control fertilizer (mineral with low P content) (Figure 3). A similar response of OMF on the dry mass of eucalyptus was also observed in the work of Magalhães et al. (2017)MAGALHÃES, C. A. de S.; MORALES, M. M.; REZENDE, F. A.; LANGER, J. Eficiência de fertilizantes organominerais fosfatados em mudas de eucalipto. Scientia Agraria, Curitiba, PR, vol. 18, p. 80-85, 2017., where the treatment with the use of ruminal content of beef cattle, along with reactive Bayovar natural phosphate, showed an agronomic efficiency index similar to chemical fertilization (magnesian thermophosphate + BASACOT MINI 6M®).

Figure 3
Relative efficiency index of fertilizers in total dry mass production of Eucalyptus grandis

Organomineral fertilizers showed superior values in the evaluated parameters, indicating better nutrient utilization by the plant. This results from the characteristic of slow release of nutrients contained in organic fertilizers compared to mineral fertilizers, as over time there is mineralization and gradual release (Severino et al., 2004SEVERINO, L. S.; COSTA, F. X.; BELTRÃO, N. E. DE; LUCENA, M. A.; GUIMARÃES, M. M. B. Mineralização da torta de mamona, esterco bovino e bagaço de cana estimada pela respiração microbiana. Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra, Campina Grande, PB, v.5, n.1, 2004.). While mineral fertilizers with soil remineralizer induced a lower response than organominerals, they were equivalent to the exclusive use of mineral fertilizer for the growth and quality index of eucalyptus. This can be explained by these fertilizers requiring more time for the dissolution of their mineral sources (Silva et al., 2017bSILVA, R. C. da; CURY, M. E.; IEDA, J. J. C.; SERMARINI, R. A.; AZEVEDO, A. C. de A. Chemical attributes of a remineralized Oxisol. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, RS, vol. 47, n.11, 2017b.), constituted by residues from the mining of amethysts and basalt and rock powder (Table 2).


This study highlights the significant potential of alternative fertilizers in producing forest seedlings, emphasizing the crucial role of organomineral fertilizer in promoting improvements in morphological parameters and the quality of Eucalyptus grandis seedlings compared to using mineral fertilizers. Autoclaved soil favors the association with ectomycorrhizal fungi, highlighting the need for studies without this experimental control.

A more pronounced ectomycorrhizal colonization was observed in Eucalyptus grandis seedlings when remineralizer or organic fertilizer was added to the composition with mineral fertilizer. In addition to offering significant contributions to future studies on the use of alternative fertilizers, this research emphasizes the superiority of these inputs over minerals, underlining their ability to maximize interaction with beneficial microorganisms. These results provide valuable insights for agro-industries and rural producers, offering tangible opportunities to increase efficiency and profitability by effectively utilizing by-products.

It is crucial to conduct more comprehensive studies on the interaction between ectomycorrhizal fungi and Eucalyptus grandis, with special emphasis on selecting specific species to optimize benefits for seedlings. This work establishes a solid foundation for ongoing understanding and exploration of the potential of alternative fertilizers in the context of forest production.


The authors kindly thank the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for funding and Atlas Assessoria Linguística for language editing.

How to quote this article

  • MAGALHÃES. J. B.; STUMM, J. O.; KESSLER, N. C. H.; TURCHETTO, R.; GIOVENARDI, A. R.; BASSO, C. J.; ROS, C. O.; SILVA, R. F. Organomineral fertilizers and soil remineralizer in the initial growth of mycorrhized Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 34, n. 2, e68293, p. 1-19, 2024. DOI 10.5902/1980509868293. Available from: Accessed in: day month abbr. year.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    30 Nov 2023
  • Published
    07 June 2024
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