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Plant propagation, ministumps productivity and biochemistry determination of 4 species of genus Tibouchina


Tibouchina gene showed approximately 350 species, among these, Tibouchina affinis fothergillae, Tibouchina heteromalla, Tibouchina moricandiana var. vinaceae, Tibouchina sellowiana, are native species of Brazil, were used for revegetation in anthropized areas, due to the pioneerinh chacacteristic. The present research aimed to study rhizogenic from the technique of plant propagation by minicutting with the use of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and fulvic acid (FA), biochemical determinations, in addition to the ministumps production. The minicuttings were sampled in april, june, september and november and prepared with 5+1 cm length, bevel cut at the base and straight in the apical portion, keeping two leaves reduced to half. The bases of the minicuttings were to put to different treatments: 0 mg L-1 IBA/FA, 2000 mg L-1 IBA, 2000 mg L-1 FA and 2000 mg L-1 IBA+FA. The installation was in tubes with 53 cm3 with vermiculite, evaluating after 33 days of stay in the greenhouse, analyzed the rooting percentage of minicutting. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial of 4x4 (4 sample x 4 treatments). Rooting was greater than 95% for all species in the samples held in april, september and november, except to Tibouchina sellowiana with 49% of rooting in the month of November, showing the direct effect of the environment under the rizogenic. Concluded was unnecessary supplementation with exogenous IBA and FA for technical minicutting of different Tibouchina species. The production of minicutting was viable in april for Tibouchina affinis fothergillae and Tibouchina moricandiana var. vinaceae, in november Tibouchina heteromalla and june Tibouchina sellowiana.

Tibouchina; Indole-3-butyric acid; Fulvic acid

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1.000, 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brasil, Tel. : (55 55)3220-8444 r.37, Fax: (55 55)3220-8444 r.22 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil