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Environmental risks and the collector’s safety in the extractivism of açaízeiro fruit in Eastern Amazon


The extraction of non-timber forest products in the Amazon is an activity that exposes workers to environmental risks that can affect their health and safety at work. The aim of this study was to identify the environmental risks and the psychophysiological and physical impacts of the collection of the açaizeiro fruit on workers in eastern Amazon. The study was carried out by applying semi-open questionnaires and structured interviews based on protocols of the Ergolândia version 6.0 software to 33 collectors in Ilha do Combú, Belém, Pará state. The physical risks identified were: ultraviolet radiation (12 h of sunlight), average annual relative humidity of 71.9% and heat with IBUTG of 24.4ºC. The fear of falling down from the açaizeiro tree, venomous animals, height and the high physical effort required to climb the palm tree were the main difficulties pointed out by extractivists. The risks of accidents were identified: snake, maribondo, scorpion, spider, açaizeiro fall, cuts, scratches and muscular torsion. The cargo transported by the 30 kg collectors meets the requirements of current legislation. The parts of the body that extractivists often experience pain during and after the activity were: the lower back, feet and fingers, hands and fingers, upper limbs, shoulder, wrist, trapezius, head and chest, neck, forearm, elbow , calf, ankle and knee. The Moore and Garg protocol classified the activity as high risk for the development of occupational diseases with a Strain Index of 13.5 and 10.12 in the harvest and off-season, respectively, and the Lehmann protocol as a stressful job. OWAS indicated action category 4 with the adoption of immediate corrections in the posture of the spine, upper limbs, legs of extractivists.

Açaí; Non-timber forest products; Workplace safety

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1.000, 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brasil, Tel. : (55 55)3220-8444 r.37, Fax: (55 55)3220-8444 r.22 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil