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Forest-based adequacy to households in southwestern of Paraná state - Brazil


Studies indicate environmental loss, due to the reformulation of the forest legislation, currently given by the Native Vegetation Protection Law (NVPL), formerly the Forestry Code. Research is still needed to indicate the effect on landowners, in regions that are governed by other environmental regulations, such as the Atlantic Forest biome as well as the reflexes of the integration of laws regarding the fulfillment of the social function of real estate. The southwestern region of Paraná state has a land structure characterized by small rural properties and the objectives of this work were: to verify if there is a difference in the fulfillment of the rural social function of the small properties, considering the initial reality of the properties, the Forestry Code of 1965; NVPL; to estimate the saved opportunity cost by the farmer with the rural environmental suitability by the 2012 law; to determine the differences between permanent preservation areas (PPAs) and legal reserves (LRs) in both legislations; estimate the area to be recovered by the Environmental Regularization Program (ERP) in small properties. Seven land use and occupation maps were designed in a Geographic Information System environment, in which the amounts of areas were analyzed with inferential statistics. The data allowed to conclude that: the small rural property in the region fulfills the rural social function in all the standards; the saved opportunity cost was 6.2% of the minimum wage per fiscal module; The PPA to be restored was smaller than the previous law; the need for recovery of 11,762.40 hectares of riparian forests is estimated for the southwestern region; there is no significant difference between the pre-existing legal reserve between the two laws; there is a significant difference between the legal reserve to be recovered.

Brazilian Protection of Native Vegetation; Statute of the Earth; Law of the Atlantic Forest

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1.000, 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brasil, Tel. : (55 55)3220-8444 r.37, Fax: (55 55)3220-8444 r.22 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil