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Resistance of tropical arboreous species to the action of Ganoderma philippii


The wood resistance to xylophagous fungi is a desirable characteristic of commercial woods and in the urban afforestation. This happens because the action of xylophagous fungi can lead to the loss of physical properties, reduction of mechanical resistance and the durability of the wood. Nevertheless, very little is known about the resistance of tropical timber to wood-rot fungi. In this context, the present work aims to evaluate the natural resistance of wood from 28 different species of tropical timber, subjected to the action of Ganoderma philippii, through the analysis of loss in mass obtained with in vitro test method. According to criteria by ASTM D2017 (2005), the majority of species was considered highly resistant, except Amburana cearensis, Pterocarpus rohrii, Joannesia princeps and Basiloxylon brasiliensis, considered resistant. The comparison of values of loss in mass after the attack of Ganoderma philippii showed that Joannesia princeps, Amburana cearensis, Pterocarpus rohrii, Basiloxylon brasiliensis, Barnebydendron riedelii, Parkia pendula, Cariniana legalis, Copaifera langsdorffii, Terminalia mameluco, Spondias venulosa, Astronium concinnum and Zeyheria tuberculosa had statistically higher loss of mass than the other species tested.

Wood-destroying fungi; Loss in mass; Biodeterioration of timber; Rain Forest

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1.000, 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brasil, Tel. : (55 55)3220-8444 r.37, Fax: (55 55)3220-8444 r.22 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil