This study describes the floristic composition and tree community structure of a forest fragment and discusses some of the dendrometric characteristics of its component species. This community belongs to the Decidual Seasonal Forest and is located in anta Maria, RS. Eighteen 200 m2-samples were systematically located in the fragment. In the sampled area 56 plant species, belonging to 46 genera and 28 botanical families, with CBH ≥ 15 cm were measured. The families Rutaceae, Rubiaceae, Flacourtiaceae and Myrsinaceae were therichest in terms of both number of species and individuals. Helietta apiculata, Casearia silvestris, Faramea marginata, Myrsine umbellata, Chomelia obtusa and Cabralea canjerana were the most important species in the plant community studied. The tree heights varied from 3.5 m in the understory to 22 m for the emergent trees. Most trees live in low competition, as demonstrated by the h/d relation inferior to 1. The frequency distribution of circumferences shows that 42,25% of the individuals have a CBH between 15 and 25 cm, and only 4,25% of them have a CBH above 65 cm.
Key words: Floristic Composition; Dendrometry; Deciduous Seasonal Forest