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Use of experimental design techniques for the optimization of the resin distillation process of Pinus elliottii

Utilização de técnicas de planejamento experimental para a otimização do processo de destilação de resina de Pinus elliottii


In the last decades, the resin product sector in Brazil is demonstrating a growing demand perspective for resin gum producers, what requires advances in the technical part of the extraction and purification processes. This work aimed to analyze, through experimental design techniques, the washing and distillation processes of the Pinus elliottii oleoresin. The natural resin was collected in the coastal region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The results of the washing step revealed that the linear with second-order interactions was the empirical model that best suited for this study. Therefore, the optimal test was determined with the following factors: temperature of 50ºC, time of 20 min, and 20% turpentine used for dilution. For the distillation process, the best model was the linear without interactions taking into account the Monetary Value (Real - R$) response per 100 g of processed resin. Thus, it was determined that the optimum region obtained the following factors: temperature between 156 and 170 ºC and time between 61 and 100 min. Therefore, the use of experimental design techniques enabled to propose some alternatives on the processing of natural resin to the producer, what consequently caused the increase in its added value to the marketed product.

Resination; Pitch; Turpentine

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1.000, 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brasil, Tel. : (55 55)3220-8444 r.37, Fax: (55 55)3220-8444 r.22 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil