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Thematic of the master theses and doctoral dissertations in the information science of the Communication Sciences Graduate Program of the University of S. Paulo

The objective of this study of descriptive nature is to outline an overall view of Master Degree dissertations and Doctorate theses submitted to the Postgraduate Program in Sciences of Communication, mainly in the following areas: Information and Documentation Science, School of Communication and Arts, São Paulo University, from 1979 to 2002. The universe of study comprises 114 documents (75 Master Degree dissertations and 39 Doctorate theses). The variables of the production analized refer to time distribution, thematics approached and their relation to the department lines of research. The dissertations/theses were grouped into categories of the List of Subject Heading, adopted by Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA). The production was steady during this period. The categories 19.0 Other Fringe Subjects and 12.0 Bibliographic Reccords were the most studied ones, having, respectively, 22.81% and 15.54% of production. The themes of greater interest were cultural action, indexing systems and language, subjects on Science and Technology and medicine, public libraries and means of mass communication.

Scientific production; Information Science; Dissertations; Thesis

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