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A classification framework focusing Amazon culture

This work intends to develop a classification framework that aims to create a thesaurus that will focus on the Amazon culture of Pará state. Some narrative cultural terms were collected from Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira, a novel by Dalcídio Jurandir. This novel was read with the intention of identifying, analyzing, selecting, defining and registering its cultural terms into a terminological log. After that, relationships among concepts were established, giving rise to classes from their common characteristics. A total of 512 cultural terms were collected from the narrative and 912 conceptual unities emerged (including classes, subclasses, equivalent and related terms). Taking into account that all organized information has an expectation of generating new knowledge, it is believed that the production of this thesaurus may be helpful to preserve Amazon cultural memory.

Classification framework; Amazon culture; Dalcídio Jurandir; Knowledge organization

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