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Digital library of theater plays

Digital Library of Theater Plays - BDTeatro is a project for preservation, formatting, storage, and dissemination of theater plays. This project was developed by the School of Computation, School of Philosophy, Arts, and Social Science, and Central Library of Federal University of Uberlândia(UFU). The Foundation to Research Support of the Minas Gerais State (FAPEMIG ) provided partial financial support for the project. BDTeatro was proposed to deal with problems of preservation and dissemination of a collection with approximately eight hundred paper-based theater plays. This collection presents signs of deterioration and its digitalization has motivated this project. Besides, the absence of an on-line catalogue and an automated process to search information in the collection has also motivated the project. This paper describes the development of the Digital Library of Theater Plays where an interdisciplinary perspective of work was used, assuring this way standards of quality in the process of building up the catalog, in text data entrance and in mechanisms of searching by information in the collection.

Automatic Indexing; Information retrieval systems; Theater; Theater; Theater; Theater; Digital Libraries

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