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An archival view of photographic documents referring to the deanship of teaching and graduation present in the collection of the documentation center of University of Brasilia

The Documentation Center of the University of Brasilia (CEDOC-UNB) is a consulting department of the university higher administration. Its formal aim is to collect, preserve and guarantee the access to archival documents produced and accumulated by the offices and faculties of UNB, as well as to historical and cultural goods, which are an instrument for supporting the administration, culture, history and scientific and technological development. This article is limited to the photographs originated from the Deanship of Graduation Teaching (DEG-UNB), existing at CEDOC's collection, analyzing the acceptance of the treatment of that material to the archival theoretical and methodological directions. The system has been notably planned for privileging the image contents in opposition to what is expected from an archive, where the archival context should be the primordial point of organization and description of photographs.

Documentation Center of the University of Brasilia (CEDOC-UNB); Deanship of Graduation Teaching of the University of Brasilia (DEG-UNB); Archival description; Archival photographic documents; Archival bond; archival principles

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