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Relationship between the knowledge created in the area of Archive Studies and that generated in the field of Information Science

This research, carried out in 2009, aims to apply bibliometric analysis to the journal Archive & Administration, from the field of Archive Studies. Spreadsheets were designed with the following data picked out from 21 works published between 2004 and 2006: authorship, authors' commitments, any linking of the publication to the theoretical currents in Information Science, characterization of the references regarding the author quoted, the idiom, and the year of publication. Data were analyzed in the light of six theoretical currents from the Information Science, trying to identify the relationship between the knowledge created in the area of Archive Studies and that generated in the field of Information Science. Data analysis indicated the existence of a close relationship between the kind of knowledge generated in the Information Science area. This statement is based, firstly, on the characterization of the theoretical currents in Information Science identified in the works singled out; and secondly, on the identification of the authors quoted in Information Science, also found in issues of the afore-mentioned journal.

Information Science theoretical currents; Archive & Administration; Archive studies

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