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Access to information - promoting competitiveness in R&D with the use of information technologies

This paper discusses the competitiveness generated from the use of information technology (IT) in the R&D area in the Santa Catarina State. The major issue regarding this topic in the need to establish patterns among information systems usually no compatible in order to obtain a consistent information flow. This study takes an exploratory approach and focuses in the identification of the strategic use of IT among five R&D groups in three different organizations: an industry, a public organization and an university. Overall, the results confirm the maintenance of a competitive differential among the groups investigated. This study also shows that the use of IT allows an improvement in the planning, networking of the groups, as well as, in the continuing education of their members. Finally, the competitive differential obtained through IT by these organizations indicated new ways to connect people and processes and to redesign activities and environments. Shaped by a strategic vision and an adequate structure and through the use of IT, these organizations are contributing to the business and research environment around the world.

Research and development; Information technology

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