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Ainfo: a experiência da Embrapa na disponibilização e recuperação de informação

AINFO is an information system developed by Embrapa-CNPTIA which allows the integrated management of document data bases and bibliographical processes, providing speediness and flexibility in capturing, managing and information retrieval, besides offering to its users several usage facilities. Starting with its use at Embrapa's libraries, it became possible to offer access to the general public to the acquired material as well as thesis and the scientific production of Embrapa's researchers. A large and important colection of national and international periodicals is also available for research in CD-ROM and on the Internet.

Information sistem; Database; Information retrieval

IBICT SAS, Quadra 5, Lote 6, Bloco H, 70070-914 Brasília DF - Brazil, Tel.: (55 61) 3217-6360 / 3217-6350, Fax: (55 61) 321.6490 - Brasília - DF - Brazil