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Universidad de Los Andes electronic thesis: adaptation and use of the TEDE Plataform

One of the projects of great importance of the University of the Andes (ULA) is the creation of the Digital Electronic Thesis Library. Its implementation guarantee high levels of interaction between the internal and external actors of the ULA through the consultation and publication of the intellectual production of the institution. This article presents the experience in the adaptation of the TEDE platform for electronic theses publication. The adaptation of the TEDE platform was carried out in three stages, that is to say: a) Installation, configuration and test of functionality of the platform, b) Configuration and tests for the ULA case, and c) Adaptation of the platform to the ULA. The result of this adaptation was a unique platform that fulfills the established basic requirements for the electronic thesis publication at the ULA, and that adjusts perfectly to any academic institution of Venezuela. An illustration of this ULA experience is the implementation of this recently created ULA platform in other national universities such as the University of Zulia (LUZ), Simón Bolivar University (USB), and the National and Experimental University of the Llanos Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ).

Electronic theses and dissertation; TEDE; Universidad de Los Andes; Venezuela; Software; Institutional repository; Adaptation; Open source; Digital library

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