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Evaluation of brazilian scientifc journals in psychology

The present paper reports the second evaluation of Brazilian psychology journals carried out by the Editorial Committee CAPES-ANPEPP. The objectives of this evaluation, which started in 1999, were (a) to assess the journals Brazilian in which researchers affiliated to graduate courses in psychology usually publish, (b) to develop ways to support the best journals and (c) to establish parameters for the improvement of these journals. In the present assessment, 51 journals cited by the graduate programs reports in the period of 1999-2000 were evaluated. We used an Evaluation Form that consists of five sets of items (Normalization, Publication, Circulation, Authorship and Contents, and Editorial Management). The forms were completed by the editors and checked by the Committee. This instrument allowed to establish a ranking by circulation (National/Local) and quality (A/B/C) criteria. The main results showed that there was a remarkable improvement in the Brazilian journals compared to the first evaluation. Some questions related to the evaluation process itself and the challenges for the next steps are discussed.

Evaluation; Journals; Psychology

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