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Competitive intelligence in the internet: an intelligent agents based process

This paper proposes a competitive intelligence process (CI) in the Internet based on inteligent agents. These agents are responsible for monitoring, gathering and filtering information sources, which are strategic to one organization. The process was applied to a pilot case study at the Núcleo de Estudos em Inovação, Gestão e Tecnologia de Informação - IGTI da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Production Engineering Graduate Program, Federal University of Santa Catarina). After that it was verified on three case studies in the following organizations. As a conclusion, it is possible to say that the proposed model can be applied to different organizations. Furthermore, the results clearly show the need to formalize the information gathering and management process in organizations, besides the need to automatize it by using intelligent agents in order to make its operation feasible to the organizations.

Competitive intelligence; Internet; Monitoring of information sources; Intelligent agentes

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