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The cognitive networks in information science in Brazil: a study in scientific articles published in journals of this area

This research has mapped the cognitive networks in the area of Information Science in Brazil, based on an analysis of the citations of articles published in the main journals of this area from 2001 to 2005. It is a qualitative-quantitative, exploratory-descriptive and documental research. The corpus of analysis is the scientific articles published in the main Brazilian journals of this area. Bibliometric techniques were used for data analysis. The most important cognitive nets in Information Science in Brazil can be mapped by the communities established by the citations. These communities are established by thematic affinity, what shows a paradigmatic closeness, and by institutional relationship. The conclusion is that in Brazil Information Science is schemed by a group of researchers who handle the relations established for building up the development of studies and research and establish the disciplinary and interdisciplinary involvement of this area in Brazil.

Information Science; Cognitive networks; Scientific knowledge

IBICT SAS, Quadra 5, Lote 6, Bloco H, 70070-914 Brasília DF - Brazil, Tel.: (55 61) 3217-6360 / 3217-6350, Fax: (55 61) 321.6490 - Brasília - DF - Brazil