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Competences from the informational perspective: introductory notes on terminological and conceptual level, scenarios and initiatives

At the present time, the organizations have to face the changes in technology, be adapted to the new work organization and take advantages in the market. For that, the competences of the individuals play a vital role, and their administration becomes a key factor for their survival. This focus on labour and/or professional competences, together with today's so called information society, makes information competences essential. In order to carry out a study applied to these competences, it is necessary to have a large theoretical-conceptual collection. From this point of view, taking into consideration first of all the concept of competences, the objective of this paper is to show what is meant by informational competences on the technological and conceptual level and, through different scenarios, how significant the informational competences are; and, finally, to show, through different initiatives, how their management is getting more and more important. This work is based on analysis of documents.

Information competences

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