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Virtual Space of Information Exchange about Human Resources on Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean From CV Lattes to CvLAC

This paper presents the main problems of the different information systems for science and technology management in Latin America and the Caribbean and identifies the challenges and alternatives to promote a greater exchange among countries of the Continent. The creation of a space of information exchange of the human resources, which are shared in science and technology systems, through a common methodology called CvLAC, is an answer to the identified problems. CvLAC starts from the Brazilian experience of CvLattes. The objectives and results expected by the Project of CvLAC are described and carried out by Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela. A description is presented about the advancements and alternatives from the data existing in those countries participating in the project, starting with Colombia and Chile, emphasizing the endless possibilities which the new technologies of digital information and the new developments obtained in this field make possible with reference to data exchange.

Technical cooperation; Databases integration; Tools for information exchange

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