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Networks and social capital: the role of information in local development

Access to information plays a key role in economic and social development of communities and groups. The ability of gathering information beyond the frontiers of the community is part of the relational capital of individuals and social groups. It means that any transformation depends on existing networks between individuals of the community and others belonging to other social groups - the social capital of the community. It means that, like any other capital (human, financial), investment in social capital also has a return or benefit. The analytical framework of social networks brings forth significant understanding about the role of social capital in a development process. Social networks and social capital depend on cultural, political and social factors. Social capital is a multidimensional concept, which takes into account many units and analytical levels. The combination of social network analysis and a strong conceptual framework may broaden the research field, ranging from access to basic information on public health in urban communities to international trade and to regional development, using the studies of local industrial networks (clusters).

Information; Social networks; Social capital; Local industrial networks (cluster); Local development

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