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Information science: professional performance and contributions for the development of the scientific field by the graduates from PPGCI (ICI/ UFBA)

Taking into consideration the different conflicts in the labor world as a result of the technological changes where professional frontiers fade away, it is of fundamental importance that research may subsidize the development of new trajectories of education and context demands. A research has been carried out about the professional performance of graduates from Post-Graduation of the Institute of Information Science for the scientific field in this area. Dissertations presented by them from 1998 to 2006 show indicators which allow an analysis of the trends about the performance of the students, the courses and their professional market. Through data collected and analyzed, different issues can be visualized with reference to professional performance, contribution to the scientific field of Information Science, as well as to the importance of the Post-Graduation courses for the processes of innovating society knowledge.

Information science; Graduates; Post-Graduation; Professional performance

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