This paper analyses the influence indicators of participative management in the development of educational projects that aimed to promote a socio-environmental education, covered by the "Programa dinheiro direto na escola: escolas sustentáveis" ("Money straight in school program: sustainable schools"). The data was generated through semi-structured interviews conducted with principals, teachers, coordinators and students at four schools covered by the program. From a sample of 15 participants, the results confirmed the assumption that the participative management, complemented by the institutional financial support to school projects, enriched both the social and the school community about the environment conservation and preservation issues, to provide a better quality of life for the present and future generations. Schools that allow broad participation and debate enabled the identification of the meanings attached by the participants to their actions and achievements. Thus, the creation of the indicators of the environmental sustainability in schools of participative management was obtained.
Keywords: Participative management; Financial resources; Social-environmental sustainability; Public schools