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From the field practice of Biology’s naturalistic tradition to the field days at school: distances and approximations


This study has a theoretical and, to some extent, essayistic nature, as it embarks on an investigative and reflective journey that deviates from traditional methodological constraints. The goal is to encourage dialogue between the traditional naturalistic field practices and the field-based lessons in biology education. We use the field practices of traveling naturalists from the sixteenth century as a point of reference, aiming to establish an interpretive time horizon for contemporary field classes. By investigating the attributes and progression of field scientific practices, we can assess their impact on biology field courses and how they differ from them based on the specific circumstances. Making connections between science and teaching can help to break away from the daily grind of pedagogical routines and facilitate the necessary reevaluation of biology field lessons.

Biology education; Fieldwork; Research work; Traveling naturalists; Science education.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências, campus de Bauru. Av. Engenheiro Luiz Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01, Campus Universitário - Vargem Limpa CEP 17033-360 Bauru - SP/ Brasil , Tel./Fax: (55 14) 3103 6177 - Bauru - SP - Brazil