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Latest international migration in the amazon: the case of Hispanic-Americans

Immigration to Amazonas state remains an open field for anthropological research, either that of a historical nature, still poorly researched, or that with a current focus, especially from neighboring countries of the Amazon region. However, the great challenge posed to scholars of the subject is to overcome the theoretical framework that guided analysis based on business cycles, such as rubber. In the case of recent immigration to the Amazonas state, the challenge is also to relate it to the cycle of economic development made possible by the creation of the Manaus Free Trade Zone, in 1967. This factor alone could explain the presence of new immigrants, among them, Hispanics. This article, which intends to discuss the rationale and the specifics of this presence, is immerse in the concern to focus immigration in the Amazon, not only as a demographic and economic phenomenon, but mainly as a social two-way process, that is, it affects both societies, that of origin and that receiving, in their social and cultural dimensions, gender relations and identity processes.

Immigration; Amazon; Gender; Identities

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Relações Internacionais Rua Marques de São Vicente, 225 - Casa 20 , 22453-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3527-2284, Fax: (55 21) 3527-1560 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil