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Disposiciones, hábitos y pruebas: las sociologías del individuo de Bernard Lahire, Jean-Claude Kaufmann y Danilo Martuccelli


Problematizing some of the mains aspects of the sociologies of the individual is the aim of this article with the intention of collaborating for a better understanding of the concepts and methods that have been mobilized for the sociological objectification of individual existence. Three central perspectives of this field are discussed: Bernard Lahire's theory of action, Jean-Claude Kaufmann's theory of habits, and Danilo Martuccelli's theory of individuation. It is considered in that choice the similar type of sociological practice that these authors carry out, which is sustained by a continuous relationship between research and original theorization. The article presents the contributions of the sociologies of the individual to contemporary sociological theory, underlining them as part of a heterogeneous theoretical-methodological field still in development.

Palabras claves:
Sociología francesa; Individuo; Disposición; Hábitos; Pruebas

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon, Cep: 90619-900, Tel: +55 51 3320 3681 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil