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Psychopolitics and contemporary discontents


In Civilization and its discontents Freud sought to present a discussion about the gains and losses of civilization, and specifically about the discontent caused by its limitations. For Elias, civilization, as a practice, involves the control of conduct, the regulation of modes and the subordination of emotions. The torment brought by civilization results from the way in which it limits freedom, overcoming impulses, imposing cultural tasks above individual wills. Civilization is social repression becoming a constant internalized demand as discontentment. In this article I seek to articulate sociologically, in opposition to several authors of social theory, the set of hypotheses raised by Han about psychopolitics, in order to rethink the directions and transformations of discontentment in a society that is not repressive (founded on negativity) but affirmative (founded on positivity).

Burnout society; Psychopolitics; Civilization and its discontents; Biopolitics; Capitalism

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon, Cep: 90619-900, Tel: +55 51 3320 3681 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil