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The Will to Power and Democratic Politics


In this paper I want to explore Nietzsche's concept of will to power (Wille zur Macht) and its bearing on political philosophy. First I present an overview of will to power and its centrality in Nietzsche's thought, where power involves a structure of reciprocal tensions rather than destructive force. After disposing of the idea that Nietzsche is an apolitical or anti-political thinker, I argue that Nietzsche's approach to social structures departs from traditional political theories, especially the modern liberal contract theory of government. Then I revisit an argument marking my previous work, namely that Nietzsche's espousal of the agonistic structure of social life offers a robust alternative for political philosophy, especially with regard to legal institutions and democratic politics.

political; will to power; democracy; agon

Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche Rodovia Porto Seguro - Eunápolis/BA BR367 km10, 45810-000 Porto Seguro - Bahia - Brasil, Tel.: (55 73) 3616 - 3380 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil