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Nietzsche contra osjudeus* * Publicado no Correio da Manhã. Rio de Janeiro, Domingo, 22 de Novembro de 1942 (ParteI, p. 1-2), 29 de Novembro de 1942 (Parte 2, p. 1), 6 de Dezembro de 1942 (Parte III, p. 8).


Criticizing the incongruous character of some theses found in the Genealogy of Morals (the aristocracy and the plebs, the Jewish hatred and the Christian love, the racial superiority of the Aryans and the values of democracy) as well as exploring the insufficiency of the conceptions of the Übermensch and of the eternal return, the authoraims to show that Nietzsche's thought has a destructive character and is the main responsible for the disorder and anarchy existing in the world. In an attempt to occupy the place of the Jewish priests with a reflection that distances itself from God and prefers the decadent values of culture and civilization, the philosopher would not only have pushed us into chaos, but, without being able to resolve the question of human happiness, would have also been he himself led into irrationality. The article is divided into three parts, published in three consecutive Sundays and concluded with an irony: it would be desirable that Nietzsche returned to life to see the damages caused by his thought.

Nietzsche; racial superiority; overman; eternal return; chaos

Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche Rodovia Porto Seguro - Eunápolis/BA BR367 km10, 45810-000 Porto Seguro - Bahia - Brasil, Tel.: (55 73) 3616 - 3380 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil