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Walter F. Otto - "Der junge Nietzsche" (O jovem Nietzsche) - 1936* * Publicado no Diário de Pernambuco. Pernambuco, domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 1937, p. 2. (Arquivo DP/D.A. Press, em 28/07/2016).


Convinced that no other philosopher has promoted such a radical transformation in 20th century and that his thought is the one that best characterizes the current age, the author intends to reflect on an essay authored by Walter Otto, recently published in Germany. In his study about the youth of Nietzsche, Otto would have clarified the classical and humanists origins of his philosophy, but, as a matter or fact, in showing the "coincidences between Nietzsche´s ideas e Nazi´s statements", he would have overlooked some positions that make the philosopher an antipode of national-socialism, among which is his admiration for the Mediterranean spirit.

Keywords; Nietzsche; philosophy; Walter Otto; nazism; mediterranean spirit

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