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Vocal fatigue in professors at the beginning and end of the school year



To characterize and to compare the perception of vocal fatigue in professors at the beginning and at the end of the school year.


Observational, analytical, prospective cohort study was carried out. A total of 115 professors participated with a mean age of 40 years old, 71 women and 44 men, employees of 28 higher education institutions in the south and southeast regions of Brazil. All answered to the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) at the beginning (February or March) and at the end (October or November) of the Brazilian school year. The VFI results for both assessed moments were statistically compared (p<0.05).


The professors’ mean scores obtained in the factors of tiredness of voice and avoidance of voice use (p<0.001) and improvement of symptoms with rest (p=0.001) increased at the end of the school year.


Professors reported higher perception of vocal fatigue at the end of the school year, which influenced the avoidance of voice use and improvement of symptoms with the rest.

Health Evaluation; Fatigue; Faculty; Occupational Health; Voice



Caracterizar e comparar a percepção de fadiga vocal em professores universitários no início e ao final do ano letivo.


Estudo observacional, analítico, de coorte prospectivo. Participaram 115 professores universitários, idade média de 40 anos, sendo 71 mulheres e 44 homens, funcionários de 28 instituições de ensino superior das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil. Todos responderam ao Índice de Fadiga Vocal (IFV) no início (fevereiro ou março) e ao final (outubro ou novembro) do ano letivo.


Os resultados obtidos no IFV nos dois momentos foram comparados estatisticamente (p<0,05). Resultados: Os escores médios obtidos nos domínios fadiga e restrição vocal (p<0,001) e recuperação com repouso vocal (p=0,001) dos professores universitários aumentaram ao final do ano letivo.


Professores universitários referiram maior percepção de fadiga vocal ao final do ano letivo, o que influenciou na restrição vocal e na recuperação com repouso vocal.

Avaliação em Saúde; Docentes; Fadiga; Saúde do Trabalhador; Voz


Vocal fatigue (VF) is a potentially debilitating and frequently puzzling symptom in vocal clinic, thus it is a complex phenomena(11 Nanjundeswaran C, Jacobson BH, Gartner-Schmidt J, Verdolini Abbott K. Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI): development and Validation. J Voice. 2015;29(4):433-40. PMid:25795356.
). VF can be defined as a progressive increase in the perception of phonatory effort together with a decrease in vocal performance(22 McCabe DJ, Titze IR. Chant therapy for treating vocal fatigue among public school teachers. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2002;11(4):356-69.

The concept of fatigue comes from the physiology of exercise. In this field, there is a consensus that fatigue occurs when the oxygen supply to the muscle and brain is inadequate for the energy demands of active tissues during a certain task performance. Thus, the insufficient oxygen supply would cause performance decrements over time. Two factors can explain this: neuromuscular inefficiency and cardiovascular recovery deficit(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
). Regarding VF, neuromuscular inefficiency could involve the recruitment of more muscles than needed for task performance or “incorrect pattern” of muscle activation, considering that both will lead to greater energy demands. On the other hand, the inadequate cardiovascular recovery is related to the time course that physiological functions return to the baseline homeostatic state after vocal use(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
), which could be affected by lack of training, as well as the possibility of a genetic disposition that could cause low efficiency of laryngeal repairing mechanism(44 Hunter EJ, Titze IR. Quantifying vocal fatigue recovery: dynamic vocal recovery trajectories after a vocal loading exercise. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2009;118(6):449-60. PMid:19663377.
,55 Paolillo NP, Pantaleo G. Development and Validation of the Voice Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire (VFHQ): clinical, psychometric, and psychosocial facets. J Voice. 2015;29(1):91-100. PMid:25261955.

The VF most frequent signs and symptoms are: tiredness after voice overuse, misuse or vocal abuse; reduced vocal projection, increased effort in voicing, strained voice quality, reduced vocal projection, laryngeal discomfort, throat dryness and loss of voice, with worsening of symptoms during voicing day and improvement of symptoms with rest(11 Nanjundeswaran C, Jacobson BH, Gartner-Schmidt J, Verdolini Abbott K. Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI): development and Validation. J Voice. 2015;29(4):433-40. PMid:25795356.
,55 Paolillo NP, Pantaleo G. Development and Validation of the Voice Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire (VFHQ): clinical, psychometric, and psychosocial facets. J Voice. 2015;29(1):91-100. PMid:25261955.
). Frequent episodes of VF may even affect emotional, psychosocial and work conditions(55 Paolillo NP, Pantaleo G. Development and Validation of the Voice Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire (VFHQ): clinical, psychometric, and psychosocial facets. J Voice. 2015;29(1):91-100. PMid:25261955.
). This is even more frequent in professional voice users and VF may be debilitating(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.

Teachers are professionals that have many VF symptoms(66 Aparecida E, Servilha M, Manchado P, Cat U, Dunlop JB. Condições de trabalho, saúde e voz em professores universitários. Rev Ciênc Méd. 2008;17:21-31.

7 Servilha EAM, Arbach MDP. Queixas de saúde em professores universitários e sua relação com fatores de risco presentes na organização do trabalho. Distúrb Comun. 2011;23:181-91.

8 Servilha E, Costa A. Conhecimento vocal ea importância da voz como recurso pedagógico na perspectiva de professores universitários. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):13-26.
-99 Anhaia TC, Klahr PS, Cassol M. Associação entre o tempo de magistério e a autoavaliação vocal em professores universitários: estudo observacional transversal. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):52-7.
), generally related to their high vocal load(66 Aparecida E, Servilha M, Manchado P, Cat U, Dunlop JB. Condições de trabalho, saúde e voz em professores universitários. Rev Ciênc Méd. 2008;17:21-31.). Despite the differences in the environmental and organizational work conditions of university professors, many studies(66 Aparecida E, Servilha M, Manchado P, Cat U, Dunlop JB. Condições de trabalho, saúde e voz em professores universitários. Rev Ciênc Méd. 2008;17:21-31.,99 Anhaia TC, Klahr PS, Cassol M. Associação entre o tempo de magistério e a autoavaliação vocal em professores universitários: estudo observacional transversal. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):52-7.
,1010 Servilha EAM, Arbach M P. Avaliação do efeito de assessoria vocal com professores universitários. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25:211-8.) have shown their high vocal load in teaching activities, presence of noise in work environment and high number of students per classroom, in addition to problems related to overall work overload, competitiveness and recognition in the academic community. All these factors contribute to the presence of VF symptoms in university professor. In this sense, the literature shows that teachers, generally, do not have vocal complaints during the holidays, but only during the school year(1111 Sala E, Airo E, Olkinuora P, Simberg S, Ström U, Laine A, Pentti J, Suonpää J. Vocal loading among day care center teachers. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 2002;27(1):21-8. PMid:12375625.
), and that the vocal demand of their teaching work day leads to vocal function deviations. However, little is known about the perception of VF during the school year.

Considering the VF debilitating condition(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
), its high frequency of occurrence and the vocal complaints being related to vocal load, it is important to verify the perception of the VF in university professors during the school year. Such data may provide important information about the needs of this population and improve clinical performance in VF prevention and treatment. The initial hypothesis of the present study was: H1 - There is a higher perception of fatigue at the end of the school year when compared to the beginning of the school year.

Therefore, the aim of the present study was to characterize and to compare the perception of VF in university professors at the beginning and at the end of the school year.


This is an observational, analytical and prospective cohort study. It was accepted by the Committee for Ethics in Research (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, COMEP) of the the Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (protocol number 1.639.096). All participants signed the informed consent form (Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, TCLE).

The participants contact information were obtain via email to different public and private higher education institution in the months of January and February 2017. In addition, an invitation link was posted and shared on social network. The inclusion criteria were: teach in higher education level and have a contract, male and females who have signed the informed consent form. The exclusion criteria were: not be actively working due to any reason; not have signed the informed consent form; have self-reported neurological problems, previous head and neck surgery with laryngeal or vocal impairment and/or history of organic dysphonia. In order to avoid bias due to the different workload from the beginning to the end of the school year, participants who reported any change in their workload or work routine were also excluded from the study. The selected participants had to answer to a questionnaire previously elaborated in the SurveyMonkey platform; the link was sent via email to all volunteers. The included participants also answered the same questionnaire at the second moment of data collection.

The estimation of the minimum required number of participants was performed with a sample calculation by hypothesis comparison test performed between two means of dependent groups based on an initial sample of 30 participants. The estimation method considered the highest standard deviation of the difference between the means of the beginning and the end of the semester, which was 7.5 points in the factor of tiredness of voice and avoidance of voice use. The significance level was set at 5% and the test power at 80% to detect the minimum differences between the both scores of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI). The minimum sample size was 112 participants, without accounting for losses.

The data collection happened in two steps: first step – beginning of the school year, months of February and March of 2017; second step – end of the school year, months of October and November of 2017. At both moments the participants filled out the same protocol, that was the translated and adapted version to the Brazilian Portuguese of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI)(1212 Zambon F, Moreti F, Nanjundeswaran C, Behlau M. Equivalência cultural da versão brasileira do Vocal Fatigue Index – VFI. CoDAS. 2017;29(2):1-6.
). The participants also answered to an identification questionnaire with socio-demographic information, data related to vocal complaints and work conditions. The Brazilian version of the VFI has 19 questions divided into three factors: tiredness of voice and avoidance of voice use; physical discomfort symptoms and improvement of symptoms with rest. For each question the participants had to refer the frequency of occurrence using a five-point Likert scale, where zero indicates “never” and four indicates “always”. The simple sum of the questions of each factor gives the questionnaire score.

Participants who answered only to the questionnaires in the first step of the research were excluded and not considered in the data analysis. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check for normal distribution of the VFI factors and showed that the variables had non-normal distribution. Thus, the two dependent groups were compared using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. The significance level was set at 5% (p<0.05). The Statistics software, version 17.0 (Stat Soft Inc.) was used.


A total of 235 university professor fulfilled the inclusion criteria. However, there was a loss of 120 professors over the course of the study. Therefore, the final sample of the present study counted with 115 professors from the south and southeast regions of Brazil. There were 71 females and 44 males, with ages between 26 and 64 years old (mean age of 40 years old), employees of 28 higher education institutions. The weekly hours lecture of the participants was 15.13 ± 9.30 hours.

University professors have higher scores in the factors of tiredness of voice and avoidance of voice use (p<0.001) and improvement of symptoms with rest (p=0.001) in the end of the school year (Table 1) when compared to the beginning of the school year.

Table 1
Comparison of the Vocal Fatigue Index scores from the beginning and the end of the school year in university professors


The university professors VFI scores were high in all three factors; it was higher than the average scores of American English(11 Nanjundeswaran C, Jacobson BH, Gartner-Schmidt J, Verdolini Abbott K. Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI): development and Validation. J Voice. 2015;29(4):433-40. PMid:25795356.
) and Persian(1313 Naderifar E, Moradi N, Farzadi F, Tahmasebi N, Soltani M, Latifi SM, et al. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the vocal fatigue index into Persian. J Voice. 2019:1-7. [In press] PMid:30174223.) speakers vocal healthy individuals in both assessed moments. On the other hand, the scores were lower than the average scores of dysphonic American English(11 Nanjundeswaran C, Jacobson BH, Gartner-Schmidt J, Verdolini Abbott K. Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI): development and Validation. J Voice. 2015;29(4):433-40. PMid:25795356.
) and Persian(1313 Naderifar E, Moradi N, Farzadi F, Tahmasebi N, Soltani M, Latifi SM, et al. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the vocal fatigue index into Persian. J Voice. 2019:1-7. [In press] PMid:30174223.) speakers, also in both assessed moments. To the best of our knowledge there are no studies that characterized the VFI scores in Brazilian Portuguese speakers.

The present study data showed changes in university professors' VF perception throughout the school year in the factors of tiredness of voice and avoidance of voice use and improvement of symptoms with rest. To the best of our knowledge, the literature does not provide data on the VF perception of university professors throughout the school year. However, a study with university professors showed that the frequency of stress and physical symptoms are more evident at the end of the semester, which is due to increase work overload(1414 Servilha E. Estresse em professores universitários na área de fonoaudiologia. Rev Cienc Méd. 2012;14:43-52.) and may contribute to more vocal and overall fatigue(1515 Ferreira LP, Santos JG, Lima MFB. Sintoma vocal e sua provável causa: levantamento de dados em uma população. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(1):110-8.
). To our knowledge, there are no studies that applied the VFI in a similar population as in the present study.

Authors infer that VF perception improves with adequate rest(1212 Zambon F, Moreti F, Nanjundeswaran C, Behlau M. Equivalência cultural da versão brasileira do Vocal Fatigue Index – VFI. CoDAS. 2017;29(2):1-6.
). However, the present study outcomes showed that the improvement of symptoms with rest decreased at the end of the school year when compared to the beginning. Considering that VF is due to insufficient oxygen supply for the energy demands of the vocal task(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
), it is believed that neuromuscular inefficiency due to incorrect pattern of muscle activation(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
), which is common in this population(77 Servilha EAM, Arbach MDP. Queixas de saúde em professores universitários e sua relação com fatores de risco presentes na organização do trabalho. Distúrb Comun. 2011;23:181-91.,88 Servilha E, Costa A. Conhecimento vocal ea importância da voz como recurso pedagógico na perspectiva de professores universitários. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):13-26.
,1010 Servilha EAM, Arbach M P. Avaliação do efeito de assessoria vocal com professores universitários. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25:211-8.), added to cardiovascular recovery issues due to lack of adequate vocal training(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
), also common in this population(88 Servilha E, Costa A. Conhecimento vocal ea importância da voz como recurso pedagógico na perspectiva de professores universitários. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):13-26.
,1010 Servilha EAM, Arbach M P. Avaliação do efeito de assessoria vocal com professores universitários. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25:211-8.), may have contributed to the increase in fatigue in these professors during the school year.

Vocal fatigue is directly related to increase in phonatory effort and progressive loss of phonatory abilities(22 McCabe DJ, Titze IR. Chant therapy for treating vocal fatigue among public school teachers. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2002;11(4):356-69.
). Thus, it is expected that professional voice users have vocal restriction; they give many hours lecture which increases their perception of fatigue and they have recovery deficit after vocal use(22 McCabe DJ, Titze IR. Chant therapy for treating vocal fatigue among public school teachers. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2002;11(4):356-69.
). However, considering frequent episodes or chronic VF in professors, vocal restriction may generate occupational impairments in addition to emotional and psychosocial impairments(55 Paolillo NP, Pantaleo G. Development and Validation of the Voice Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire (VFHQ): clinical, psychometric, and psychosocial facets. J Voice. 2015;29(1):91-100. PMid:25261955.
). This condition must be closely observed once VF can be debilitating(33 Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
). On the other hand, the physical discomfort symptoms scores did not change during the school year, which suggests that vocal fatigue does not cause physical discomfort, considering the sample analyzed in the present study.

These data show the need of speech language pathologist therapy and/or training with university professors once an individual with adequate training for his vocal demand will have less chances of reporting vocal fatigue.

The study limitation consists on not controlling the reason why some participants were excluded in the second step of the assessment. The participants answered to the protocols via SurveyMonkey and the system was programed to stop data collection in case any individual filled any one of the exclusion criteria. Further studies must be performed in order to analyze vocal fatigue perception of university professors in other moments of the school year; in addition to considering the vocal load, work conditions and objective data of the laryngeal and vocal assessment. It is hypothesized that such data may bring scientific evidence of cause and effect relationship in addition to other factors and possible confounding elements. Hence, this could contribute to deepen the discussion on this topic and better support the speech language pathologist therapy/training with this population.


Professors reported higher perception of vocal fatigue at the end of the school year than in the beginning, which influenced the avoidance of voice use and improvement of symptoms with rest. Thus, the hypothesis of the present study is accepted.


To Fundação Araucária, for the Scholarship granted to Gabrieli Cristina Santos Cercal.

  • Study conducted at Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste – UNICENTRO - Irati (PR), Brasil.
  • Financial support: Scholarship from Fundação Araucária (91/2017).


  • 1
    Nanjundeswaran C, Jacobson BH, Gartner-Schmidt J, Verdolini Abbott K. Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI): development and Validation. J Voice. 2015;29(4):433-40. PMid:25795356.
  • 2
    McCabe DJ, Titze IR. Chant therapy for treating vocal fatigue among public school teachers. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2002;11(4):356-69.
  • 3
    Nanjundeswaran C, VanSwearingen J, Abbott KV. Metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):378-11. PMid:27777059.
  • 4
    Hunter EJ, Titze IR. Quantifying vocal fatigue recovery: dynamic vocal recovery trajectories after a vocal loading exercise. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2009;118(6):449-60. PMid:19663377.
  • 5
    Paolillo NP, Pantaleo G. Development and Validation of the Voice Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire (VFHQ): clinical, psychometric, and psychosocial facets. J Voice. 2015;29(1):91-100. PMid:25261955.
  • 6
    Aparecida E, Servilha M, Manchado P, Cat U, Dunlop JB. Condições de trabalho, saúde e voz em professores universitários. Rev Ciênc Méd. 2008;17:21-31.
  • 7
    Servilha EAM, Arbach MDP. Queixas de saúde em professores universitários e sua relação com fatores de risco presentes na organização do trabalho. Distúrb Comun. 2011;23:181-91.
  • 8
    Servilha E, Costa A. Conhecimento vocal ea importância da voz como recurso pedagógico na perspectiva de professores universitários. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):13-26.
  • 9
    Anhaia TC, Klahr PS, Cassol M. Associação entre o tempo de magistério e a autoavaliação vocal em professores universitários: estudo observacional transversal. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(1):52-7.
  • 10
    Servilha EAM, Arbach M P. Avaliação do efeito de assessoria vocal com professores universitários. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25:211-8.
  • 11
    Sala E, Airo E, Olkinuora P, Simberg S, Ström U, Laine A, Pentti J, Suonpää J. Vocal loading among day care center teachers. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 2002;27(1):21-8. PMid:12375625.
  • 12
    Zambon F, Moreti F, Nanjundeswaran C, Behlau M. Equivalência cultural da versão brasileira do Vocal Fatigue Index – VFI. CoDAS. 2017;29(2):1-6.
  • 13
    Naderifar E, Moradi N, Farzadi F, Tahmasebi N, Soltani M, Latifi SM, et al. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the vocal fatigue index into Persian. J Voice. 2019:1-7. [In press] PMid:30174223.
  • 14
    Servilha E. Estresse em professores universitários na área de fonoaudiologia. Rev Cienc Méd. 2012;14:43-52.
  • 15
    Ferreira LP, Santos JG, Lima MFB. Sintoma vocal e sua provável causa: levantamento de dados em uma população. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(1):110-8.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    02 Oct 2018
  • Accepted
    10 Apr 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684, 7º andar, 01420-002 São Paulo - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 - 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil