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Assessment for oral feeding in preterm infants



To assess the accuracy of the Preterm Oral Feeding Readiness Scale (POFRAS) on the beginning of oral feeding in preterm infants and to verify the concordance between this tool and the Oral Feeding Skill Level.


82 preterm infants were assessed by POFRAS regarding their readiness to initiate oral feeding and by the oral feeding skill level evaluation during the first oral feeding. POFRAS's accuracy was estimated regarding proficiency by a Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve. The concordance between the tools was obtained by analysis of the Kappa coefficient.


POFRAS's global accuracy was of 71.29%. The cut-off value of 29 was the one that presented most optimization of the sensitivity based on specificity. The Kappa coefficient has shown a weak concordance between the instruments to identify infants able and unable to oral feeding (k=0.281).


POFRAS's accuracy to initiate oral feeding considering the proficiency was similar to that obtained with the technique of translactation. We observed a weak concordance between the instruments. We suggest that, in clinical practice, both instruments should be used in a complementary manner, since both present important aspects of the preterm feeding behavior that together will better guide the necessary conduct to provide an effective and quick transition to full oral feeding in this population.

Sucking Behavior; Preterm Infant; Feeding; Evaluation; Feeding Behavior



avaliar a acurácia do Preterm Oral Feeding Readiness Scale - POFRAS para iniciar a alimentação oral de recém-nascidos pré-termo e verificar a concordância entre este instrumento e o instrumento de avaliação do Nível de Habilidade Oral.


Foram avaliados 82 recém-nascidos pré-termo quanto à prontidão para o início da alimentação oral através do POFRAS e da avaliação do Nível de Habilidade Oral, durante a primeira alimentação oral. A acurácia do POFRAS foi estimada em relação à variável proficiência, por meio da Curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve). Para a análise da concordância entre os instrumentos, foi utilizado o coeficiente Kappa.


A acurácia global do POFRAS foi de 71,29%. O ponto de corte 29 foi o que apresentou melhor equilíbrio entre sensibilidade e especificidade. O coeficiente Kappa mostrou fraca concordância entre os instrumentos na identificação dos RN aptos e inaptos a mamar por via oral (k=0.281).


a acurácia do POFRAS para o início da alimentação oral, estimada por meio da variável proficiência, foi semelhante à obtida com a técnica de translactação. Observou-se fraca concordância entre os instrumentos avaliados. Sugere-se, portanto, que estes instrumentos de avaliação sejam usados de forma complementar na prática clínica, uma vez que ambos apresentam aspectos importantes do comportamento alimentar do prematuro, que ao serem analisados conjuntamente permitirão orientar a conduta necessária para propiciar uma transição alimentar mais breve e eficaz para essa população.

Comportamento de Sucção; Recém-nascido Pré-termo; Alimentação; Avaliação; Comportamento Alimentar


The transition from gastric to oral feeding is an important aspect to be considered on the assistance to the preterm infant(11 Rossarolla C, Menon MU, Scochi CGS, Fujinaga CI. Validade discriminatória do instrumento de avaliação da prontidão para início da alimentação oral em bebês prematuros. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2009;14(1):106-14.

2 Ross ES, Browne JV. Feeding outcomes in preterm infants after discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): A systematic review. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2013;13(2):87-93.
-33 Bache M, Pizon E, Jacobs J, Vaillant M, Lecomte A. Effects of pre-feeding oral stimulation on oral feeding in preterminfants: A randomized clinical trial. Early Hum Dev. 2014;90(3):125-9. PMid:24461572.
). A quick and efficient promotion of this transition is one of the main goals of the speech-language pathologist in the neonatal field(44 Lau C, Smith EO, Schanler RJ. Coordination of suck-swallow and swallow respiration in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr. 2003;92(6):721-7. PMid:12856985.
,55 Bauer MA, Yamamoto RCC, Weinmann ARM, Keske-Soares M. Avaliação da estimulação sensório-motora-oral na transição da alimentação enteral para a via oral plena em recém-nascidos pré-termo. Rev Bras Saude Mater Infant. 2009;9(4):429-34.

Determining the adequate moment to initiate oral feeding in preterm infants is a difficult task, and parameters such as corrected gestational age and clinical conditions must be taken into account(66 Kish MZ. Oral feeding readiness in preterm infants. Adv Neonatal Care. 2013;13(4):230-7. PMid:23912014.
). Nevertheless, these parameters are not sufficient to safely initiate oral feeding, what justifies the existence of several protocols for assessing the oral feeding skills of preterm infants(77 Palmer MM, Crawler K, Blanco IA. Neonatal oral-motor assessment scale: a reliability study. J Perinatol. 1993;13(1):28-35. PMid:8445444.

8 Thoyre SM, Shaker CS, Pridham KF. The early feeding skills assessment for preterm infants. Neonatal Netw. 2005;24(3):7-16. PMid:15960007.

9 Fujinaga CI, Zamberlan NE, Rodarte MD, Scochi CG. Rodarte Milena Domingos de Oliveira, Scochi CGS. Reliability of an instrument to assess the readiness of preterm infants for oral feeding. Pró-Fono. 2007;19(2):143-50. PMid:17710340.

10 Neiva FCB, Leone C, Leone CR. Non-nutritive sucking scoring system for preterm newborns. Acta Paediatr. 2008;97(10):1370-5. PMid:18647278.

11 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
-1212 Neiva FCB, Leone CR, Leone C, Siqueira LL, Uema KA, Evangelista D, et al. Non-nutritive sucking evaluation in preterm newborns and the start of oral feeding: a multicenter study. Clinics. 2014;69(6):393-7. PMid:24964303.

The questions arise as whether these tools are satisfactory, since most of them are based on observations of behavioral and sensory aspects(1313 Lau C. Interventions to improve oral feeding performance of preterm infants [Internet]. Montgomery: ASHA; 2014. [citado em 2014 Jul 5]. Disponível em:
), which bring some degree of subjectivity to the results.

In Brazil, a frequently used protocol for assessing the readiness of the preterm infant to initiate oral feeding is the one proposed and validated by Fujinaga et al.(99 Fujinaga CI, Zamberlan NE, Rodarte MD, Scochi CG. Rodarte Milena Domingos de Oliveira, Scochi CGS. Reliability of an instrument to assess the readiness of preterm infants for oral feeding. Pró-Fono. 2007;19(2):143-50. PMid:17710340.
), named Preterm Oral Feeding Readiness Scale (POFRAS). This tool consists in assessing aspects of physiology, behavior, and nonnutritive sucking for establishing the preterm infant readiness to feed orally. The accuracy of POFRAS was assessed by the authors(1414 Fujinaga CI, Moraes SA, Zamberlan-Amorin NE, Castral TC, Silva AA, Scochi CGS. Clinical validation of the preterm oral feeding readiness assessment scale. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2013;21(Spec.):140-5.
), who employed translactation to compare the results obtained by this method with a gold standard represented by the intake of 5 mL of milk.

Videofluoroscopy is undeniably considered the gold standard in the study of swallowing. However, factors such as high cost and exposure to radiation hinder the use of this technique as part of the routine evaluation of oral feeding ability in preterm infants. Studies show that an appropriate quantitative indicator to assess the ability of preterm infants to feed orally is the proficiency parameter – defined by the percentual fraction of the volume prescribed ingested in the first five minutes of feeding(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
). By assessing only the first five minutes, this parameter allows a differentiation between the infant’s oral ability and the adversities caused by the fatigue experienced with the lengthening of the feeding time(1515 Lau C, Sheena HR, Shulman RJ, Schanler RJ. Oral feeding in low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 1997;130(4):561-9. PMid:9108854.

16 Lau C, Geddes D, Mizuno K, Schaal B. The development of oral feeding skill in infants. Int J Pediatr. 2012(2012):1-3.
-1717 Berwig LC. Aplicação de um instrumento para avaliação objetiva da habilidade para alimentação oral de recém-nascidos pré-termo [dissertação]. Santa Maria (RS): Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; 2013. 53 p.). A level of proficiency higher than 30% is associated with an adequate ability to feed orally(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
,1515 Lau C, Sheena HR, Shulman RJ, Schanler RJ. Oral feeding in low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 1997;130(4):561-9. PMid:9108854.

16 Lau C, Geddes D, Mizuno K, Schaal B. The development of oral feeding skill in infants. Int J Pediatr. 2012(2012):1-3.

17 Berwig LC. Aplicação de um instrumento para avaliação objetiva da habilidade para alimentação oral de recém-nascidos pré-termo [dissertação]. Santa Maria (RS): Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; 2013. 53 p.
-1818 Weinmann ARM, Jorge SM, Martins AR, Assis MGE, Martinez FE, Camelo JS. Assessment of vitamin A nutritional status in newborn preterm infants. Nutrition. 2007;23(6):454-60. PMid:17499971.

Based on the aforementioned evidence, we felt the need to reproduce the analysis regarding the accuracy of POFRAS considering the proficiency of the first oral feeding as the gold standard, since this parameter is more reliable than the one originally employed(1414 Fujinaga CI, Moraes SA, Zamberlan-Amorin NE, Castral TC, Silva AA, Scochi CGS. Clinical validation of the preterm oral feeding readiness assessment scale. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2013;21(Spec.):140-5.

The proficiency and the rate of milk transfer are the aspects considered in the evaluation of the level of oral feeding skills(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
). This instrument aims to analyze, in an objective manner (quantitatively), the oral feeding ability in preterm infants. This method was tested in a population of Brazilian preterm infants and the results endorsed its applicability as an objective indicator to assess their oral feeding skills(1717 Berwig LC. Aplicação de um instrumento para avaliação objetiva da habilidade para alimentação oral de recém-nascidos pré-termo [dissertação]. Santa Maria (RS): Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; 2013. 53 p.). It was observed that a higher level of feeding skills is associated with a better feeding performance, and consequently a shorter time of hospitalization.

The two protocols afore discussed are designed to determine the premature capacity for oral feeding, but their evaluation is based on different aspects. Taking that into account, this study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of POFRAS to initiate oral feeding in preterm infants and to verify its agreement with the assessment of the level of oral feeding skills.


This transversal and analytical study was developed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital. The research project was approved by the institution Ethics Committee under the protocol number 11155312.7.0000.5346. Written parental consent was obtained for all participating infants.

Preterm infants who presented clinical stability and medical prescription to initiate oral feeding were included in the sample. Infants that presented at least one of the following conditions were excluded from the study: head, neck or cardiac malformations, genetic syndromes, grade III or IV intracranial hemorrhage, history of perinatal asphyxia, diagnosis of bilirubin encephalopathy, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

The study included 82 preterm infants, 43 male and 39 female, with average weight at birth of 1,821(±527) grams and gestational age of 33(±6.22) weeks. Regarding the intrauterine growth, 71.97% of the sample was classified as appropriate for gestational age, 24.39% as small for gestational age and 3.66% as large for gestational age.

The speech therapist assessments were performed as soon as the infants had medical prescription for oral feeding. At the time of evaluation, the preterm infants had an average gestational age corrected of 35(±1.33) weeks and weight of 1921(±372) grams.

The assessment of the infant’s oral feeding readiness, through POFRAS, was performed 15 minutes before the estimated time of first oral feeding. This evaluation was conducted with the infants in lateral decubitus position, with upper and lower limbs flexed and head aligned with the spine. The aspects assessed contemplated the state of behavioral organization (state of consciousness, posture and global tonus); oral posture (lips and tongue); oral reflexes (rooting, sucking, biting and vomiting); and nonnutritive sucking (tongue movement and cupping, jaw movement, sucking strain, sucking/pause, maintenance of sucking/pause and of alert state, and signs of stress); besides the corrected gestational age of preterm infants. A score ranging from 0 to 2 was attributed to each item of the protocol. The performance of the infant was determined by the sum of the scores obtained, which could vary from zero to 36.

Subsequently, the level of oral feeding skills was evaluated during the first oral feeding. The procedure was carried out with the infants in supine position, with their head on midline position and at 45º.

The feeding assessment started at the introduction of the nipple of the bottle into the infant's mouth and lasted for a maximum of 20 minutes. The process could be interrupted upon the examiner’s judgment in case of signs of fatigue or stress. The following parameters were observed: total volume of milk prescribed; volume of milk accepted during the feeding; volume of milk accepted during the first 5 minutes of feeding; and duration of the oral feeding. This information enabled the calculation of the proficiency (percentage of the volume ingested in the first 5 minutes in relation to the volume prescribed) and of the rate of milk transfer (volume of milk accepted per minute). The proficiency (PRO) is monitored when the element of tiredness is minimum, and therefore irrelevant, representing an adequate index of the capacity or skill of the preterm infant to feed itself orally. The rate of milk transfer (RT), on the other hand, is monitored during the entire feeding process, representing an index of resistance to feeding. The level of oral feeding skills was rated from 1 to 4(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
): Level 1: PRO < 30% and RT < 1.5 mL/min (low oral feeding skill and low resistance to feeding – high fatigue); Level 2 = PRO < 30% and RT > 1.5 mL/min (low oral feeding skill and high resistance – low fatigue); Level 3 = PRO ≥ 30% and RT < 1.5 mL/min (high oral feeding skill and low resistance – high fatigue); Level 4 = PRO ≥ 30% and RT ≥ 1.5 mL/min (high oral feeding skill and high resistance – low fatigue).

To address the first purpose of this study, we determined the overall accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of POFRAS using the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve approach. The ROC shows the full spectrum of sensitivity and specificity of a test for each cut-off point to discriminate between two different health states(1818 Weinmann ARM, Jorge SM, Martins AR, Assis MGE, Martinez FE, Camelo JS. Assessment of vitamin A nutritional status in newborn preterm infants. Nutrition. 2007;23(6):454-60. PMid:17499971.
). Tests are classified according to their accuracy by the area under the curve, as follows: low accuracy, if the area varies from 0.5 to 0.7; moderate accuracy, from 0.71 to 0.9; and high accuracy, when above 0.9(1919 Swets JA. Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic systems. Science. 1988;240(4857):1285-93. PMid:3287615.

The proficiency obtained in the first oral feeding was considered a gold standard to estimate global accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of POFRAS with bottle. A proficiency equal or superior to 30% corresponds to an adequate oral skill, while any value inferior to 30% corresponds to a low oral skill(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
,1515 Lau C, Sheena HR, Shulman RJ, Schanler RJ. Oral feeding in low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 1997;130(4):561-9. PMid:9108854.
,1616 Lau C, Geddes D, Mizuno K, Schaal B. The development of oral feeding skill in infants. Int J Pediatr. 2012(2012):1-3.
,2020 Ribeiro FGSM. Protocolo para transição da alimentação para via oral em prematuros. In: Furkim AM, Rodrigues, KA. Disfagias nas unidades de terapia intensiva. São Paulo: Roca; 2014. p. 189-99.). Following, the study proceeded to the construction of the ROC curve using the Stata 10 software.

To address our second goal, i.e., to verify whether there is a concordance between the two assessment instruments, the results were dichotomized in “able to feed” or “unable to feed”. To be considered able to feed by POFRAS, infants should reach a score ≥ 29, while by the assessment of level of oral feeding skills, they should be classified as level 4, i.e. proficiency ≥ 30% and rate of milk transfer > 1.5 mL/min.

The data obtained with both instruments were subjected to statistical analysis using Kappa coefficient in order to analyze the concordance between them. The values of the Kappa coefficient were interpreted as: poor concordance (k < 0), slight concordance (k = 0-0.20), weak concordance (k = 0.21-0.40), moderate concordance (k = 0.41-0.60), substantial concordance (k = 0.60-0.80), and excellent concordance (k > 0.80)(2121 Landis JR, Koch GG. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics. 1977;33(1):159-74. PMid:843571.


The area under the ROC curve (global accuracy) was of 71.29% (Figure 1), indicating that POFRAS is moderately capable(1919 Swets JA. Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic systems. Science. 1988;240(4857):1285-93. PMid:3287615.
) of evaluating the infant’s readiness to initiate oral feeding, when considering the proficiency obtained on the first feeding. The cut-off value of 29 was the one that presented greatest balance between sensitivity and specificity (Table 1). The lowest and highest scores obtained for the assessed sample were of 14 and 34 points, respectively, while the mean was of 27(±4.2).

Figure 1
ROC curve obtained from each infant's scores on POFRAS in relation to proficiency
Table 1
POFRAS' cut-off values and results of sensitivity and specificity

Regarding the identification of infants as able or unable to feed, the Kappa coefficient (k=0.28) showed a weak concordance between POFRAS and the level of oral feeding skills assessment.

It was verified that 62.96% of the preterm infants considered able to feed by the quantitative assessment were also considered able to feed by POFRAS (Table 2). Additionally, 67.28% of the infants considered unable to feed by the quantitative protocol were also considered unable by POFRAS. In general, both protocols agreed on the assessment of 65.85% (N = 54) of the sample of preterm infants.

Table 2
Distribution of preterm infants regarding the results obtained with both assessment protocols, considering the dichotomization able to feed and unable to feed


The feeding assessment protocols for preterm infants are currently recommended in order to decide more precisely when to initiate oral feeding. The proper identification of this moment provides the infants with better oral feeding experiences as they wean from tube feeding. Also, it leads to a reduction of the time for obtaining full oral feeding, contributing to a consequent decrease on time of hospitalization and on the financial costs related to it(2222 Briere CE, McGrath J, Cong X, Cusson R. State of the Science: A contemporary review of feeding readiness in the preterm infant. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2014;28(1):51-8. PMid:24476652.

23 Simpson C, Schanler RJ, Lau C. Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):517-22. PMid:12205253.

24 Lessen BS. Effect of the premature infant oral motor intervention on feeding progression and length of stay in preterm infants. Adv Neonatal Care. 2011;11(2):129-39. PMid:21730902.
-2525 Crowe L, Chang A, Wallace K. Instruments for assessing readiness to commence suck feeds in preterm infants: effects on time to establish full oral feeding and duration of hospitalization. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;18(4):2-15. PMid:22513933.). Additionally, an adequate assessment can indicate the need of therapeutic conducts in order to achieve full oral feeding(1212 Neiva FCB, Leone CR, Leone C, Siqueira LL, Uema KA, Evangelista D, et al. Non-nutritive sucking evaluation in preterm newborns and the start of oral feeding: a multicenter study. Clinics. 2014;69(6):393-7. PMid:24964303.

POFRAS is an instrument of easy and quick employment on clinical practice that considers various aspects, including level of maturity, state of consciousness, and oral-motor skills(99 Fujinaga CI, Zamberlan NE, Rodarte MD, Scochi CG. Rodarte Milena Domingos de Oliveira, Scochi CGS. Reliability of an instrument to assess the readiness of preterm infants for oral feeding. Pró-Fono. 2007;19(2):143-50. PMid:17710340.
,1414 Fujinaga CI, Moraes SA, Zamberlan-Amorin NE, Castral TC, Silva AA, Scochi CGS. Clinical validation of the preterm oral feeding readiness assessment scale. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2013;21(Spec.):140-5.
). In this study, the results found in the analysis of accuracy of POFRAS are similar to those obtained in a study(1414 Fujinaga CI, Moraes SA, Zamberlan-Amorin NE, Castral TC, Silva AA, Scochi CGS. Clinical validation of the preterm oral feeding readiness assessment scale. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2013;21(Spec.):140-5.
) that used the ingestion of 5 mL of breast milk by translactation as gold standard. The global accuracy obtained for this instrument in this study was of 71.3%, indicating a moderate capacity of determining the readiness for oral feeding initiation in preterm infants.

The diagnostic accuracy is a paramount element on the decision making in health care. Therefore, an instrument with moderate accuracy as POFRAS should be used with caution, and preferably in combination with other available assessment protocols to improve the introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants.

Another aspect studied was the correlation between the results obtained by POFRAS and by the assessment of level of oral feeding skills(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
). This comparison was outlined since the assessment of the level of oral feeding skills evaluates the nutritive sucking of the preterm infant, while POFRAS considers behavioral aspects as well as nonnutritive sucking.

The evaluation of the readiness to feed orally based on behavioral data may not guarantee the success in oral feeding(1818 Weinmann ARM, Jorge SM, Martins AR, Assis MGE, Martinez FE, Camelo JS. Assessment of vitamin A nutritional status in newborn preterm infants. Nutrition. 2007;23(6):454-60. PMid:17499971.
,2626 Prade LS, Bolzan GP, Weinmann ARM. Influencia do estado comportamental nos padrões de sucção de recém-nascidos pré-termo. Audiol Commun Res. 2014;19(3):230-5.
). This is because, in nutritive sucking, other aspects are also relevant, especially the coordination between the functions of sucking, swallowing and breathing(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
,2727 Yamamoto RCC, Keske-Soares M, Weinmann ARM. Características da sucção nutritiva na liberação da via oral em recém-nascidos pré-termo de diferentes idades gestacionais. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2009;14(1):98-105.

Our analysis shows that the correlation between the two instruments was weak. A possible explanation for such result might be the fact that the assessment of the level of oral feeding skills takes into account the resistance (fatigue) of the infant when feeding orally, besides the skill itself. In this case, the resistance to oral feeding is assessed by the rate of milk transfer (mL/min) during the total feeding time. An important study(2828 Fucile S, Gisel EG, Lau C. Effect of an oral stimulation program on sucking skill maturation of preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005;47(3):158-62. PMid:15739719.
) shows that resistance during oral feeding is a complex phenomenon involving not only the ability of the infant to sustain a pattern of suction, but also their ability to maintain a consistent behavioral status, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation throughout the oral feeding session.

The signs of fatigue are likely to appear after a certain period, being minimum at the first five minutes of feeding. Therefore, the identification of infants with low resistance for oral feeding using POFRAS, i.e. based on behavioral aspects and evaluation of nonnutritive sucking for 1 minute, is rather complex.

All infants classified as level 4 on the oral feeding skill assessment, i.e. showing suitable oral skill and adequate feeding resistance, were considered able to feed. The achievement of this level at the first oral feeding was associated with a shorter time to reach independent oral feeding(1515 Lau C, Sheena HR, Shulman RJ, Schanler RJ. Oral feeding in low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 1997;130(4):561-9. PMid:9108854.

16 Lau C, Geddes D, Mizuno K, Schaal B. The development of oral feeding skill in infants. Int J Pediatr. 2012(2012):1-3.

17 Berwig LC. Aplicação de um instrumento para avaliação objetiva da habilidade para alimentação oral de recém-nascidos pré-termo [dissertação]. Santa Maria (RS): Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; 2013. 53 p.
-1818 Weinmann ARM, Jorge SM, Martins AR, Assis MGE, Martinez FE, Camelo JS. Assessment of vitamin A nutritional status in newborn preterm infants. Nutrition. 2007;23(6):454-60. PMid:17499971.
,2929 Gewolb IH, Vice FL, Schweitzer-Kenney EL, Taciak VL, Bosma JF. Developmental patterns of rhythmic suck and swallow in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2001;43(1):22-7. PMid:11201418.
). In addition, both the ability and resistance for oral feeding seem to have similar importance in determining the success of oral feeding(1111 Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
,1313 Lau C. Interventions to improve oral feeding performance of preterm infants [Internet]. Montgomery: ASHA; 2014. [citado em 2014 Jul 5]. Disponível em:
). Therefore, infants at level 3, i.e. exhibiting high oral feeding skill and low resistance, were considered unable to feed.

Given the moderate accuracy of POFRAS and the weak concordance between the assessed instruments, we suggest the use of POFRAS associated to the assessment of level of oral feeding skills in a complementary manner in clinical practice. Both methods outline important aspects of the feeding behavior of preterm infants that, when analyzed together, allow a quicker and more effective transition to oral feeding.


Our results showed that the accuracy of POFRAS to determine the time to initiate oral feeding, based on the proficiency of the first bottle-feeding, was moderate, being similar to that obtained by translactation. Also, there was a weak correlation between the POFRAS and the level


We thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for the scholarship grant.

  • Study carried out at Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM - Santa Maria (RS), Brazil.
  • Financial support: none.


  • 1
    Rossarolla C, Menon MU, Scochi CGS, Fujinaga CI. Validade discriminatória do instrumento de avaliação da prontidão para início da alimentação oral em bebês prematuros. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2009;14(1):106-14.
  • 2
    Ross ES, Browne JV. Feeding outcomes in preterm infants after discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): A systematic review. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2013;13(2):87-93.
  • 3
    Bache M, Pizon E, Jacobs J, Vaillant M, Lecomte A. Effects of pre-feeding oral stimulation on oral feeding in preterminfants: A randomized clinical trial. Early Hum Dev. 2014;90(3):125-9. PMid:24461572.
  • 4
    Lau C, Smith EO, Schanler RJ. Coordination of suck-swallow and swallow respiration in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr. 2003;92(6):721-7. PMid:12856985.
  • 5
    Bauer MA, Yamamoto RCC, Weinmann ARM, Keske-Soares M. Avaliação da estimulação sensório-motora-oral na transição da alimentação enteral para a via oral plena em recém-nascidos pré-termo. Rev Bras Saude Mater Infant. 2009;9(4):429-34.
  • 6
    Kish MZ. Oral feeding readiness in preterm infants. Adv Neonatal Care. 2013;13(4):230-7. PMid:23912014.
  • 7
    Palmer MM, Crawler K, Blanco IA. Neonatal oral-motor assessment scale: a reliability study. J Perinatol. 1993;13(1):28-35. PMid:8445444.
  • 8
    Thoyre SM, Shaker CS, Pridham KF. The early feeding skills assessment for preterm infants. Neonatal Netw. 2005;24(3):7-16. PMid:15960007.
  • 9
    Fujinaga CI, Zamberlan NE, Rodarte MD, Scochi CG. Rodarte Milena Domingos de Oliveira, Scochi CGS. Reliability of an instrument to assess the readiness of preterm infants for oral feeding. Pró-Fono. 2007;19(2):143-50. PMid:17710340.
  • 10
    Neiva FCB, Leone C, Leone CR. Non-nutritive sucking scoring system for preterm newborns. Acta Paediatr. 2008;97(10):1370-5. PMid:18647278.
  • 11
    Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70. PMid:21212698.
  • 12
    Neiva FCB, Leone CR, Leone C, Siqueira LL, Uema KA, Evangelista D, et al. Non-nutritive sucking evaluation in preterm newborns and the start of oral feeding: a multicenter study. Clinics. 2014;69(6):393-7. PMid:24964303.
  • 13
    Lau C. Interventions to improve oral feeding performance of preterm infants [Internet]. Montgomery: ASHA; 2014. [citado em 2014 Jul 5]. Disponível em:
  • 14
    Fujinaga CI, Moraes SA, Zamberlan-Amorin NE, Castral TC, Silva AA, Scochi CGS. Clinical validation of the preterm oral feeding readiness assessment scale. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2013;21(Spec.):140-5.
  • 15
    Lau C, Sheena HR, Shulman RJ, Schanler RJ. Oral feeding in low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 1997;130(4):561-9. PMid:9108854.
  • 16
    Lau C, Geddes D, Mizuno K, Schaal B. The development of oral feeding skill in infants. Int J Pediatr. 2012(2012):1-3.
  • 17
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    4 July 2016
  • Date of issue
    May-Jun 2016


  • Received
    06 Dec 2014
  • Accepted
    26 Aug 2015
Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684, 7º andar, 01420-002 São Paulo - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 - 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil