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Primary education teaching professionals and change: reflections on Bakhtin and beyond

This text - based on collective interviews conducted in the study Formação de profissionais da educação infantil no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: concepções, políticas e modos de implementação [Primary Education Professional Training in the State of Rio de Janeiro: concepts, policies and implementation modes] - focuses on the theoretic and methodological theme and reference named change. The theoretic reference basis is Bakhtin's conception of language, invaluable for understanding the originality with which the subject of change was approached by participants: a metaphor for shaking. The concepts of dialectic ambivalence and dialogism presented themselves as fundamental theoretic tools for the study. The idea of the need for change, accompanied by the desire to change, emerged in almost all interviews. However, it was in an interview conducted with nine teaching professionals that change was mentioned as the educational action itself: one of the teachers interviewed reported that she did not agree with the practice experienced and decided "to give pedagogy a shake".


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