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Black identity and educational space: voices, stories and contributions of multiculturalism

This article analyzes black-identity building and rebuilding processes, and their implications on education, based on the narratives and life stories of individuals involved in lato sensu post-graduation courses on "Race and ethnicity in education", developed at a Brazilian public university. Three objectives guide this project. On one hand, there is an attempt to advance in terms of tools to reflect on multiculturalism, its challenges, and possible contribution to an awareness of identity from the point of view of an adequate aspect - race/ethnicity in this case. On the other hand, there is the pursuit of understanding the factors that determine how the black identity is built, based on the narratives of the individuals focused. Finally, there is an attempt to use multiculturalism as a research strategy that challenges dominant narratives and is built on the bases of a number of voices and stories of marginalized cultural identities.


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