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Difference, diversity, differentiation

The first part of text adresses the various notions of "difference" that have emerged in the recent controversy about the category "black" as a common sign for the experience of African-Caribbean and South Asian groups in post-war Britain. The aim is to signal how "black" has operated as a contingent sign under different political circumstances. The second section is concerned with the ways in which issues of "difference" were framed within feminist theory and practice during the 1970s and 1980s. The primary focus is on the British debate. The author concludes with a brief examination of some conceptual categories used in the theorisation of "difference", and suggests a new analytical framework.

Intersectionalities; Difference; Feminism Theory; Racisms; Gender; Class

Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero - Pagu Universidade Estadual de Campinas, PAGU Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz", Rua Cora Coralina, 100, 13083-896, Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3521 7873, (55 19) 3521 1704 - Campinas - SP - Brazil