This study carried out early selection of soybean progenies that are productive and resilient to environmental conditions. The experiment took place at the Genetic Breeding Program of UNIJUI (University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul), located in Ijuí - RS, Brazil. The experiment used augmented blocks design with interim checks. The regular treatments correspond to 24 soybean F2 populations and the common treatments were 18 commercial checks, arranged in four replications. At full physiological maturity, in each experimental unit, five plants were randomly collected to obtain seed weight per plant (SWP, g). The Jinks and Pooni methodology was used to calculate the probability of extracting superior lineages from the evaluated populations. The best control and promising cultivars to compose the parent bank are BMX FORÇA RR, FUNDACEP 66 RR and TMG 7062 IPRO. Jinks and Pooni’s methodology identified populations IRC001, IRC002, IRC017, IRC019, IRC028, IRC030, IRC032, IRC033, IRC035, IRC036, IRC039 and IRC040 as having high potential for extraction of superior lineages.
Key words: Glycine max; genetic parameters; Jinks and Pooni method; plant breeding
O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar a seleção precoce de progênies de soja produtivas e resilientes às condições ambientais. O experimento foi realizado no Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Universidade do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUI), localizado em Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foi utilizado o delineamento incompleto de blocos aumentados com testemunhas intercalares. Os tratamentos regulares correspondem a 24 populações de soja F2 e os tratamentos comuns foram 18 testemunhas comerciais, arranjadas em quatro repetições. Em plena maturidade fisiológica, em cada unidade experimental, cinco plantas foram coletadas aleatoriamente para obtenção do peso de sementes por plantas. Utilizou-se a metodologia de Jinks e Pooni para calcular a probabilidade de extração de linhagens superiores das populações avaliadas. As cultivares de melhor controle e promissoras para compor o banco parental foram BMX FORÇA RR, FUNDACEP 66 RR e TMG 7062 IPRO. A metodologia de Jinks e Pooni identificou as populações IRC001, IRC002, IRC017, IRC019, IRC028, IRC030, IRC032, IRC033 IRC035, IRC036, IRC039, e IRC040 como de alto potencial para extração de linhagens superiores.
Palavras-chave: Glycine max; parâmetros genéticos; método de Jinks e Pooni; melhoramento de plantas.
Soybean (Glycine max L.) are an important source of protein for human and animal nutrition (OLIVEIRA et al., 2017). Projections of population growth associated with environmental variations require the development and selection of resilient soybean progenies in terms of grain yield (ONU, 2019). The objectives of breeding programs should be based on the selection of genotypes that have high productive potential, stability and adaptability to adverse environmental conditions (GIORDANI et al., 2019; SZARESKI et al., 2015).
Developing genotypes with a superior phenotypic response in adverse environmental conditions is the strategy to guarantee productivity in conditions with less availability of environmental resources (DARONCH et al., 2019). The success of this strategy is associated with the availability of genetic variability. The formation of segregating populations with the potential to produce superior lines is dependent on the concentration of favorable alleles in the parents involved (RAMALHO et al., 2012). Early evaluation of these populations makes it possible to identify and select potential progenies, while discarding less promising ones. This strategy optimizes resources and speeds up the process in breeding programs.
For that, the REML/BLUP methodology has helped to select genotypes in crops such as soybeans (PRADEBON et al., 2023; KEHL et al., 2022; KNEBEL et al., 2021), wheat (LORO et al., 2023), white oats (SCHMIDT et al., 2023) and corn (CARVALHO et al., 2017). This methodology makes it possible to estimate variance components and genetic parameters that indicate the proportion of the phenotype that is determined by the genetic makeup. This makes it possible to check whether the selection of the best genotypes can be carried out based on phenotypic information from the field (RESENDE, 2007).
Some methodologies make it possible to estimate the probability of extracting superior lines from segregating populations that outperform a standard genotype, such as the Jinks and Pooni method (JINKS & POONI, 1976). This makes genotype selection efficient, since there is a probability associated with selection (MEZZOMO et al., 2021). Based on this, the combined use of methodologies for genotype selection results in greater assertiveness in the estimation of genetic parameters, prediction of genotypic values and the identification of the best genotypes; consequently, the greatest simultaneous gain for the traits of interest (RESENDE, 2016; SANTOS et al., 2019).
The need to mitigate negative environmental effects and satisfy the growing demand for food is driving research into resilient and productive soybean genotypes. Improving the efficiency and dynamics of breeding programs is essential. In order to do this, selection efficiency must be increased so that only populations with high potential are selected, in order to optimize the development of superior genotypes and reduce operating costs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to carry out early selection of soybean progenies that are productive and resilient to environmental conditions.
The experiment took place at the Genetic Improvement Program of UNIJUI (Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul), located in Ijuí - RS, Brazil, under the geographical coordinates: 28°53’10’’ S and 52°59’55’’ W. The experiment used augmented blocks design with interim checks. The regular treatments correspond to 24 soybean F2 populations and the common treatments were 18 commercial checks, arranged in four replications. The cultivars, maternal and paternal parents and the cultivars used are in table 1. Growth habit qualitatively characterized the seeds of the cultivars (Table 2).
Morphological description of cultivars, inbred lines (common treatments), maternal and paternal parents base for segregating F2 populations.
Each experimental unit was formed by five rows of five meters in length, spaced at 0.45 m, totaling 2.25 square meters, sowing took place in the second half of October 2018 and fertilization with 200 kg ha-1 in the 05-20-20 NPK formulation. Management to control insect pests and diseases took place in order to avoid damage during the conduct of the experiments. Fungicides and insecticides were applied to control pathogens and insect pests in order to avoid any damage to the experiments. At full physiological maturity, every experimental unit randomly collected five plants. Each experimental unit manually threshed the seeds of the five plants. Thus, obtaining the seed weight per plant (SWP, g).
Subsequently, the method based on Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) was used in order to estimate the variance components and genetic parameters, according to the following statistical model: y = Xb + Za + Wi + e, where y is the data vector; b is the vector of the block effects (assumed as fixed) added to the general average; a is the vector of individual genotypic effects (assumed as random); i is the vector of the effects of the genotype/environment interaction (with the environment corresponding to years); e is the vector of errors (random); and X, Z, and W represent the incidence matrices for the referred effects. The significance was obtained through the Deviance analysis at 5% probability by the Chi-square test. This approach allowed of the following estimations: phenotypic variance (PV), genotypic variance (GV), residual variance (EV), broad sense heritability (H²), accuracy (Acc), coefficient of genotypic variation (CVg), residual coefficient of variation (CVe) and coefficient of variation of the proportion between genotypic and residual coefficient of variation (CVr). To predict genetic values, BLUP (best linear unbiased prediction) was used, through estimates of variance components obtained by the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML).
Subsequently, the method of partitioning genetic trends based on genealogy and selection strategies was listed (OLIVEIRA et al., 2022). To predict the potential of populations to generate superior lineages, the methodology of JINKS & POONI (1976) was used. This technique estimates the probability of obtaining lineages that exceed a defined standard in the generation under study. When evaluating this probability, it was considered that the productivity of the lines follows a normal distribution, using the properties of a standardized normal distribution, that is:
Where: Z: is the approximation of the normal curve/standardized probability; SWPPG + 20%: is the predicted genetic seed mass per plant from the best control plus 20%; SWPPGi: is the predicted genetic seed mass per plant of each population; and GV: is the genetic variance of each population. From this, the probabilities of obtaining strains that exceed SWPPG + 20% were calculated. Lineages with a probability greater than 50% were selected. The analyzes were carried out using the following R Packages: ExpDes.pt (FERREIRA et al., 2021) to verify the assumptions of the analyses; metan (OLIVOTO & LUCIO, 2020) to apply REML/BLUP; ggplot2 (WICKHAM, 2016) to develop the graphs and AlphaPart (OLIVEIRA et al., 2022) to partition the genetic trend of the population. All analyzes were performed using the software R (R CORE TEAM, 2022).
The group of cultivars (Table 2) with indeterminate growth habit revealed that the NS 4823 cultivar had the best mean SWP performance (26.678 g) and inferiority obtained by the TMG 7161 RR cultivar (19.018 g). In comparison with these controls, it was identified that the populations IRC040, IRC019 IRC028, IRC030, IRC033, IRC035, IRC002 and IRC017 were superior to the described cultivar group (Figure 1), that is, they exhibited averages greater than 26.678 g. Regarding the cultivars with semi-determined growth habit, the cultivar TMG 7062 IPRO as superior to the group of cultivars with the same habit, with grain weight per plant of 24.046 g. The populations IRC040, IRC019, IRC028, IRC030, IRC033, IRC035, IRC002, IRC017, IRC032, IRC036 and IRC001 were superior to that check.
When observing the checks of determinate growth habit, to cultivate BMX ATIVA obtained an average of 24.462 g of seed weight, considered superior; therefore, the populations that expressed means greater than the value found were IRC040, IRC019, IRC028, IRC030, IRC033, IRC035, IRC002, IRC017, IRC032, IRC036 and IRC001. According to SANTOS et al. (2019), plants with determinate growth habit are contrasting to indeterminate cultivars, mainly for quantitative characteristics.
Therefore, it was possible to identify soybean F2 populations that express average grain per plant performance superior to certain control cultivars. This indicated that in the specific crossing that built this heterozygous population, there was success in increasing genetic variability, which is manifested as a function of grain weight. For PELUZIO et al. (2014), genetic variability between parents makes it possible to obtain increases in heterozygosity and an increase in favorable genes and alleles, a fact that well-directed selections will favor the obtainment of elite lines and subsequently promising cultivars.
The Deviance analysis revealed a significant effect for the seed weight per plant by the Chi-square test at 5% probability (Table 3). This indicated that there is genetic variability among the control soybean cultivars. MATHEW et al. (2018), highlighted in their studies the importance of genetic variability for the selection of superior genotypes.
Regarding the controls (Table 3), the seed weight per plant was due to 57% of genotypic variance (GV), NARDINO et al. (2016), describes that this is a measure that allows to determine the size of the genetic variability present in the population for the traits under study. However, phenotypic variation (PV) contributed 43% to trait expression. SANTOS et al. (2019) estimated the phenotypic, environmental and genetic variance in a soybean F2 population, this study revealed a smaller contribution of genetic variation in the phenotypic manifestation of the seed weight per plant character.
The heritability reveals the fraction of the genetic variance that exists in the phenotypic variance, and may indicate reliability and experimental precision for the phenotype (RAMALHO et al., 2012). In this study, H²:0.57 was obtained, characterizing average heritability. Accuracy (Acc) was expressed as high (0.92) which results in experimental precision, as accuracies close to indicate greater efficiency in selection strategies and genetic gains to the characters (COSTA et al., 2000). The genotypic coefficient of variation (CVg%) exhibited magnitudes of 24.69%, and the residual (CVe%) of 21.01%, thus the ratio of the genotypic and residual coefficient of variation (CVr) was 1.17, which determines high genetic variability and high probability of selection of populations for seed weight, for VECONVSKI & BARRIGA (1992), the occurrence of values greater than 1 indicates promising selection for the character in question.
For TEIXEIRA et al. (2017), estimating and understanding the genetic parameters provides breeders with knowledge of the genetic structure of the population, better decision-making at the time of selection, choice of methods that are most suitable and resulting in better results for selection. Thus, the control cultivars with the highest genetic value were NS 4823, NA 5909 RG, 5958 RSF IPRO, BMX ATIVA RR, BMX POTÊNCIA RR, ROOS CAMINO RR, BMX APOLO RR and BMX MAGNA RR.
The phenotypic and genotypic selection parameters were estimated (Figure 2 and Table 4). The method used was the partitioning of genetic trends, which aims to highlight the sources of genetic gains and the relationship between the sources and the parameters that affect them (OBSTETER et al., 2021; OLIVEIRA et al., 2022).
Partition of genetic variation based on the genealogy of the parents involved in obtaining the populations.
The populations IRC001, IRC002, IRC017, IRC019, IRC028, IRC030, IRC032, IRC033 IRC035, IRC036, IRC039 and IRC040 expressed additive contribution potential, as they are above the mean index ( ≥ 4.17). However, populations IRC003, IRC005, IRC006, IRC007, IRC008, IRC012, IRC013, IRC015, IRC027, IRC029, IRC003, IRC031, and IRC034, exhibited the lowest potential additive gains, since they are below the index. These results indicated that among the populations, it is possible to find those with the highest seed weight per plant, and these should be selected to continue in the improvement process. Studies by CRUZ et al. (2014), corroborates the results of selection gains, making it possible to identify whether selection was successful or not, discarding populations with low additive genetic effects that would be costly for the breeding program. Thus, progenies with a higher additive potential are more likely to transmit their characteristics to subsequent generations.
The genetic variance used in the estimates established the direction of heritability (HALLAUER et al., 1988). In view of this, heritability in the broad sense (H²) comes from the ratio between the total genetic variance (additive, dominance and epistatic effects) and the phenotypic variance of the trait (MATHER & JINKS, 1984).
By adopting the classification of heritability (H²), in which values > 0.7 (70%) are considered high, medium or intermediate values of 0.30 (30%) and 0.69 (69%) and low values below 0.30, the values demonstrated by the populations for seed weight per plant can be classified as low, as the populations presented a heritability of 0.20, with the exception of IRC036 (H²: 0.01) (Table 3). LEITE et al. (2016) point out that the selection of progenies with greater potential is complex, as most exhibit low heritability.
The highest selection probabilities found are for IRC040 with 97.364% and IRC019 with 97.261%. Percentages greater than 50% are considered high, therefore, populations IRC001, IRC002, IRC017, IRC028, IRC032, IRC033, IRC035, IRC036 and IRC039 tend to express SWP superiority. The JINKS & PONNI (1976) method is shown to be efficient in a study carried out by MEZZOMO et al. (2021), in the wheat crop, which identified promising populations. Thus, it can be inferred that these populations have potential for selection and prominence in the context of genetic improvement programs, since they have a high probability of surpassing the average of the best control cultivar by 20%.
The lines (Figure 3), which showed positive in relation to selection gains will be selected, on the other hand, those that showed gains below zero should be discarded. From the population IRC001, derived from the cross between BMX MAGNA RR x FUNDACEP 66 RR, a higher SWP potential was observed in the strain 15F3-IRC001. Through this, you can obtain a selection gain of 8.9% in relation to the seed weight per plant, which may result from the recombination of the different characteristics of the genitors (Figure 3). Such as morphological genetic markers, flower color and hilum color (Table 1), the paternal parent being disease tolerant: frogeye spot (Cercospora sojina) and bacterial growth (Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. Glycinea.), while the maternal parent is susceptible, these gains are explained by genetic recombination that resulted in transgressive progenies to these traits (RESENDE & ALVES, 2021).
The lineage 22F3-IRC002 has the possibility of exhibiting superiority of 8.3% in relation to the population IRC002 which comes from the cross between BMX APOLO RR x FUNDACEP 66 RR, the lineage 9F3-IRC003 of the population IRC003 (BMX MAGNA RR x NK 7059 RR) expressed the highest genetic gain among all with 17,4%. The population IRC005 from the intersection (ROOS CAMINO RR x FPS PARANAPANEMA RR) generated the progeny 17F3-IRC005 which reveals increases of 18.8%. This was obtained by the allelic complementarity related to the contrasting growth habit between the parents.
The populations IRC006 and IRC007 considered full sisters and derived from the cross between BMX APOLO RR x MAR.M4 C B, expressed high gains through lineage 12F3-IRC006 (12,5%) and 17F3-IRC007 (12%), as well as IRC008 (BMX APOLO RR x FPS URANO RR) who revealed the lineage 4F3-IRC008 with gains of 17.9%, with this additive genetic increment resulting from the contrast of the parents regarding the maturation group 5.5 and 6.2. The population IRC012 was obtained by recombination FPS NETUNO RR x BMX APOLO RR who highlighted the progeny 36F3-IRC012 (11.9%). in the population IRC013 (BMX MAGNA RR x BMX APOLO RR), shows possible additive genetic gains through the 12F3 with 9.2%. The population IRC016 (ROOS CAMINO RR x FPS URANO RR) highlights the lineage 23F3-IRC016 with gains of 10.2% this being promising to potentiate grain weight per plant with less resources from the production environment.
The progeny 20F3-IRC017 was superior in the internal selection to the population IRC017 (FPS JÚPITER RR x NK 7059 RR) expressing 11% of additive effects, for IRC019 (FUNDACEP 66 RR x NK 7059 RR) highlights the lineage 24F3-IRC019, with 8.6% gain when selected (Figure 4). According to Ramalho et al. (2012), in the initial generations of the breeding program, a large proportion of non-additive genes are present, these can compromise the selection gain, in this way the breeder’s skill, method, direction and selection pressure must be assertive to maximize genetic advances in an improvement program.
The population IRC027 (MASSAL) highlights the lineage 12F3-IRC027 with gain of 12.4%, for IRC028 (MASSAL) expresses superiority to 22F3-IRC028 with 17.6% (Figure 5). In the population IRC029 (MASSAL), the selection gain could be 14.1% in the lineage selection 2F3-IRC029, in contrast, smaller selection gains are obtained by the population IRC030 (BMX FORÇA RR x MAR.M4 C B) through lineage 40F3-IRC030.
When analyzing the population IRC031 (5958 RSF IPRO x MAR.M2 C), it can be inferred that in the progeny 12F3-IRC031 there will be 11.5% of genetic gains, for IRC032 (BMX MAGNA RR x NA 5909 RG) only 7.3% of genetic gain can be obtained when selecting the lineage 18F3-IRC032 (Figure 6). The population IRC033 (MAR.M4 C B x NA 5909 RG) expresses gains through progeny 14F3-IRC033 with 15.2%, IRC034 (5958 RSF IPRO x 6700 RR) reveals 15.5% gains when selecting lineage 16F3-IRC034 as well as the lineage 32F3-IRC035 obtain 10.5% genetic gains for being from the population IRC035 (BMX FORÇA RR x MAR.M4 C B).
The population IRC036 (BMX APOLO RR x TMG 7161 RR) will have satisfactory gains when selecting the lineage 1F3-IRC036 with 7.7% (Figure 7). For IRC039 (TMG 7161 RR x NA 5909 RG) the progeny11F3-IRC039 expressed 11.4% of genetic gains, however, among all populations IRC040 (BMX TURBO RR x TMG 7161 RR) showed that the possible lineage with the highest genetic gain resulting from selection was 22F3-IRC040 with 19.1% increment (Figure 8). All segregating populations obtained lines with genetic potential to generate lineages with high productivity, in addition to the additive genetic gain, knowledge of the genealogy involved in building the lineage becomes crucial for the success of the selections and the breeding program (PINHEIRO et al., 2013).
The best control and promising cultivars to compose the parent bank are BMX FORÇA RR, FUNDACEP 66 RR and TMG 7062 IPRO.
Jinks and Pooni’s methodology identified populations IRC001, IRC002, IRC017, IRC019, IRC028, IRC030, IRC032, IRC033, IRC035, IRC036, IRC039 and IRC040 as having high potential for extraction of superior lineages.
To the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), to the Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Su (FAPERGS) for granting grants to the authors.
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Editors: Rudi Weiblen (0000-0002-1737-9817)Alessandro Dal’Col Lúcio (0000-0003-0761-4200)
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